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Everything posted by Dioj

  1. Ages ago I bought one of those small, old fashioned opium scale weights in the shape of an animal up by the Burmese boarder in Mae Sai/Tachileik. Can't remember what I paid for it at the time, but I'm sure it wasn't much. I'm wondering if there are still a lot of these old weights around that are for sale by traders and if they have now become something valuable or collectible?
  2. That's strange. Then how come I always feel like I'm winning? But then again, you have sex with and snort mystery tablets provided to you by people of non-specific gender, well, nuff said.
  3. Wow, what a relief. Thank goodness disaster was averted. We can all rest easy now.
  4. Now you got me thinking. Surely the possibilities are endless and you've only scratched the surface. Have you considered inserting one into your rear? Or injecting it right into the gunny sack? Or maybe using it as part of a lobotomy procedure would yield the best results?
  5. I’m sorry, but I got to ask the question, how clever is it to snort an unknown pill handed to you in the heat of the moment by a couple of trannies on the game? You could have had yourself an instant Darwin if things didn’t go as expected.
  6. If you get an hot enough flame under the bottle then the alcohol should ignite and push the cork out of the top via combustion.
  7. If I snorted stay hard gel I might think anything that moves is a girl too.
  8. Five more options: 1 - OPW (other people's weed) 2 - OPW and chocolate 3 - OPW and sex 4 - OPW, chocolate, and sex 5 - More OPW
  9. The photos of Ethos Apex R1, Cookies and Cream, Future #1 and Do Si Dos all look like B-Grade stuff. I've seen lots of that around in the market in the 30-50 Baht per gram range. The photos of Slurricane and Ice Cream Sundae look like top quality A-Grade stuff though. Potent THC levels too I assume. At 100 Baht a gram though there is also lots of A-Grade stuff around in that price range. But if they sell 50 grams for 3,000 Baht or 100 grams for 5,000 Baht of that quality of weed then that's good value.
  10. Plenty of sellers in Thailand now offering 25-30 Baht a gram for B-Grade buds via the LINE App. I don't know if they are direct sellers, farms, etc, but not really important. Also, some physical shops in Thailand now sell A-Grade quality buds with high THC at under 100 Baht a gram when ordering 100 Grams or more. Shops like these normally sell to both walk in customers and will also ship via post if requested. Most LINE sellers have chat groups too so that you can see lots of photos from their other buyers and read discussions on quality. Prices continue to come down. 200-300 Baht is a thing of the past. Any online sellers selling at prices that high are no longer competitive.
  11. Nearly 25 Baht a gram for brick weed is no bargain. You can get B grade buds for 30 Baht a gram. In fact, anything around 250-300 Baht a gram is too expensive. So high much quality supply around now in the sub 150 Baht per gram price range.
  12. All this weed is way too expensive. High quality weed costs a lot less now in Thailand.
  13. Oh, was that you? 🤔
  14. I tried that too, but had no success. Someone told me it only works for d1ckheads. So I gave up. Thanks for the thought though.
  15. You tried Blue Mystic, O.G. Kush, Royal Cookies, Green Gelato?
  16. In denial and on another planet living with a false sense of security: https://www.cfr.org/blog/thailands-spiraling-gun-violence-and-need-solutions https://time.com/6220339/thailand-gun-control-mass-shooting/
  17. You must be living in a fantasy bubble of self fulfilling prophecy. https://www.chiangraitimes.com/news-asia-thailand/thailands-gun-murder-rate-on-a-par-with-united-states/?amp=1 https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/thailand-gun-death-rate-twice-high-us/
  18. Everyone knows a half decent steak costs 20,000 and any wine that isn't total p1ss costs at least 8,000 a bottle. Well, if you are forced to do things on the cheap like that then nobody should hold it against you.
  19. No, I’m flush with cash. Made a mint in crypto, then hit the lottery, and my great uncle kicked off last week leaving me 3 fat bank accounts. I wouldn’t be able to spend it all in 3 lifetimes, but gawd knows I’ve been trying! I’ve been partying a lot and smashed everything from north to south on 4 continents. But I’m lonely, looking for a serious relationship. No time wasters! I’m also looking to do some philanthropy like build some schools, start up some orphanages, or maybe even build some churches in Nigeria. Looking for some good suggestions and some sound advice. All serious inquires considered!
  20. The other day I was pulling myself off. A Thai girl came over and insisted that I was taking away her job and that I must hire her to do the task at hand if I want to avoid any misfires. I explained that I know what is needed and see no reason to hire someone that doesn't know how to raise the fly sheet. I am also not a good employer, so to avoid a problem I decided to stop and just ordered another beer. Note to self: Don't snap off in bars. Wait until I am back home where I can pay my wife only a few quid to do it for me after her Thai boyfriend has left my house.
  21. Has anyone tried this KD stuff? I got some and feel like the cannabis has a strong chemical smell. Given the cheap price of 10B I guess they are growing it outdoors. I wonder if it's been sprayed with pesticides? After trying it I didn't feel much except a light headache.
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