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Everything posted by Dioj

  1. I thought you promised not to press the "Start New Topic" button anymore??? In case you forgot, permission to use that button requires at least a 3rd grade IQ level and is only intended for people who don't plunge their vapid tongue into cow dung 100 times per hour. That means it is meant to be off limits for you. So please be polite to everyone else on AN and keep your inane thoughts to yourself.
  2. Most of these scam SMS messages can't effectively be blocked because there is no number associated with them. They are sent out by bulk SMS spam servers. So when you block them your phone isn't really able to create a proper block. Best thing to do is report them to your cell phone service provider. Eventually they should be able to filter them for you. Also, if you are going to report them then don't delete them until you've reported them, just in case your service provider needs some information contained within the text message.
  3. They just need the government to come up with a weed buying scheme where the government buys up all the excess weed at a fixed price and then everyone will be right as rain.
  4. Do they really want to go there? This could result in them having to outlaw alcohol and cigarettes once the study proves how dangerous and toxic they are for human consumption. But, go ahead. Knock yourself out. Then ban them both. You have my full support and approval.
  5. The most amusing thing about this thread is watching a bunch of old guys compare and get excited about their own favorite weiners together.
  6. Perfect, a study will be conducted by Anutin's clan until Srettha is gone, but the final findings of the study will still be inconclusive, and then they will need to rinse and repeat the study again. The perfect face saving solution to take no meaningful action and keep cannabis legal and in limbo forever. 👍🏼
  7. Totally agree. Alcohol should have been banned decades ago. Awful stuff. Leads to so many drunk related deaths; drunk driving, drunken violence, etc. Not to mention the cognitive damage alcohol causes to the brain over time. And the added damage alcohol causes to liver, heart, vascular system, etc. But it's all the powerful alcohol cartels that are fighting so hard to ban cannabis, which offers so many great medical benefits. What a pity isn't it?
  8. Looks like the back peddling has already started before triggering an avalanche. What a pity.
  9. So they much prefer the decades prior, when they were growing cannabis illegally, before cannabis was decriminalized in 2022, because then they could get a lot more money on the black market for their bunk brick weed, which nobody even wants to buy now?
  10. This whole topic should be merged with the topic below or simply just deleted. It's just a rehash/repeat of the same topic/narrative GG posted a week ago under a different title: It's all been fully compared in the topic above between PI and LOS with regards to the girls, food, infrastructure, religion, language, cost of living, beaches, dangers, annoyances, quality of life, natural disasters, etc.
  11. Why isn't Singapore more like Seoul? They both start with the letter S. Why isn't Tokyo more like Taiwan? Same reason. Why can't you refrain from clicking on the new topic button all together?
  12. Why is the food in the Philippines the worst in Asia and Thailand's food so much better? Why is Thailand mainly a Buddhist country and the Philippines mainly a catholic country? Why are there so many inane, pedantic, and annoying posters on AN with the initials GG?
  13. I only smoke weed that's been eaten by a Labrador first and then pooped back out. It's become the most sort after weed and probably the most expensive because of the curing process
  14. Sounds more like soon you can write a book about the art of getting lynched by street hustlers. Last thing I would ever want to do is waste 15 minutes talking with a lowly nobody who is trying to rip me off. What normal person even finds something like that a fun way to spend their day? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  15. With all the healthy, fresh, and delicious food in the world, it's hard to imagine anyone would be missing any of that horrid, processed, nitrate infested, heart attack inducing junk food made with monkey foreskins from America.
  16. when you start giving a flying funk about shiit like that then you know it's time to smoke some more weed and just chillax bro.
  17. If you are addicted to cannabis you shouldn’t be posting topics like this.
  18. A flip flop of the highest order. The likes of which the world has never seen before. In fact, I don't even know this flip flop very well. It might be a terrific flip flop for all I know. But many people have said to me that it is a very bad flip flop. The best people say that. Most people didn't even know these things. And I have the absolute right to say this. Let's make flip flops great again!
  19. Sheesh, AN is on a rampage today stamping out articles that are all based purely on conjecture and not fact. They must have a click-bait monster tied up in a basement somewhere, who has no access to any real news sources, and is being whipped with hemp stalks to pump out these alarmist clumps of fear mongering text faster than Stoner can twist up a fatty. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  20. Very true. No source of the article given. Could all just be anecdotal conjecture or a translation taken out of context from an article published in Thai media. However, saying something like that would not be out of character for Anutin either. But how he said it probably didn't have any of the hyperbole that comes across in this article. His comment could have simply been based on foreigners operating unlicensed business, without work permits and wanting to crack down on seemingly what could be fronts for money laundering operations. Nothing wrong with any of that. Nor should it be viewed as racism or related to xenophobia if it really is just law enforcement. He may be wanting to crack down on unlicensed cannabis shops being run by locals too, but just not focused on in this article. I'm not trying to defend him, but his intent may not really carry the perceived bias being portrayed by the article.
  21. TBH, the media makes things sound a lot worse than it actually is. Just keep your head down. Stay below the radar so to speak. Don't disrespect people, don't try and infringe on anyone else's livelihood, follow the rules, don't try and change the way they do things, be kind to people, and you will get the same in return. Nobody will give you any problems and you will be treated with the same respect and generosity in return most of the time. What you are mainly seeing are instances where foreigner are crossing the line or breaking the rules. Locals generally leave foreigners alone and aren't even interested in what they are doing for the most part.
  22. Seems we've all been missing the entire point here. Big, fancy cannabis shops, with large rents, unsustainable overheads, and no customers is a money laundering business reserved purely for the locals. Makes perfect sense now. Bad guys out, good guys in.
  23. ฟอกเงิน - High rent, large overheads, no income, it's perfect when you understand the business model.
  24. True, but my real point is that the ground has always been extremely fertile in Thailand. You can grow anything that can flourish in a tropical climate. Thus, nobody has ever gone hungry and there has never been a shortage of food, even prior to any foreign investment.
  25. Hunger has never been a problem in the land of anything grows.
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