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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. You still got nothing. Cold weather kills people far more than hot weather. The ratio is 9:1. https://thebreakthrough.org/issues/energy/human-deaths-from-hot-and-cold-temperatures-and-implications-for-climate-change
  2. More fake news. You got nothing. Getting really desperate. 2.8m versus 12,000. Your argument has been shot to pieces.
  3. Insurance companies lying and you believe them. That is just sad.
  4. Climate deaths in 2023 a mere 12,000 https://reliefweb.int/report/world/2023-review-climate-disasters-claimed-12000-lives-globally-2023 Obesity kills 2.8m https://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/6-facts-on-obesity
  5. At least learn something today. Journalists add in climate change all the time. If listed last that means not the number 1 factor.
  6. https://www.globalhungerindex.org/trends.html
  7. False claims and scaremongering. World hunger is down since 2000.
  8. Obesity kills millions. Thanks for showing you don't understand science.
  9. Who cares? More scaremongering.
  10. So what? The world is doing better. At least learn something about the facts that matter.
  11. I never said no warming.
  12. Nothing wrong with warming. World hunger index is down, population is up.
  13. Climate deaths down 99%, world hunger down, world population up 2bn since 2000. The pretend crisis is a scam. It was supposed to kill millions. Endless lies to make money.
  14. https://humanprogress.org/the-collapse-of-climate-related-deaths-2/ Climate deaths down 99% since 1920. Gore is a fraud.
  15. 6m sea rises. Thanks for the comedy show. No credibility left.
  16. Tell me how many people died from storms in the last 20 years compared to the previous 100 years on a decadel basis. Can you not even look up the science?
  17. That would be wrong still. If I say it warms tomorrow by 5 degrees and it only warms by 1 I'm still wrong. At least learn something about predictions. Fairly basic science.
  18. Your link quotes 1 scientist. Terrible post.
  19. Consensus is not science. Unlike yourself I know how science works. Even the skeptic you quoted gave warming a 98% chance and cooling a 2% chance.
  20. Still making up excuses for the serial scaremonger who is always wrong. Pretty desperate.
  21. Gore has a long history of bad climate predictions. https://capitalresearch.org/article/al-gores-30-years-of-climate-errors-part-2/
  22. Gore quoted other people which means he believed it. So Gore should apologise for it.
  23. Your comments make no sense at all. Many factors determine temperatures and the odds of 50-1 mean he wasn't confident of being right. If he was confident he would bet at 1-1. Happy to take a bet at 5mm rainfall on November 1st at 50-1 in Phuket.
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