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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. Another study proves you wrong. "Research. According to the new study by researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago, patients who died because of cold temperatures were responsible for 94% of temperature-related deaths, even though hypothermia was responsible for only 27% of tempera" https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/08/200818142149.htm
  2. Stop embarrassing yourself with this nonsense. Try reading the studies if you are capable.
  3. This quote was in the link I posted above which you failed to read. "Cold weather is 20 times as deadly as hot weather, and it's not the extreme low or high temperatures that cause the most deaths, according to a study published Wednesday. The study found the majority of deaths occurred on moderately hot and moderately cold days instead of during extreme temperatures." When people can't read links, know nothing about weather deaths then preach "climate crisis" it really becomes a clown show.
  4. You just proved yourself to be clueless. Most weather related deaths are not at the extremes. Shot yourself in the foot.
  5. It looks like a drunk guy picked the low and high with scribbles. The correct ways to do this is low to low or high to high or midpoint to midpoint. You didn't do any of those things because you have an agenda to push. You are a time waster. Learn how science works or don't bother.
  6. Good luck. I can see you are not worth talking to. Anybody who talks about hot deaths and ignores cold deaths is not worth the time of time.
  7. You are currently benefiting from fossil fuels every minute of every day. Not to mention there are dozens of killers worldwide far more dangerous than "heat" but if you happy to post information that is incorrect that is up to you.
  8. Trend in climate deaths https://humanprogress.org/the-collapse-of-climate-related-deaths-2/
  9. Like what you did with your hot deaths? Embarrassingly ignorant.
  10. Crime is a big factor on home insurance but you failed to mention that.
  11. Another nothing post. Claiming to be a scientist without knowing cold weather kills more people than hot weather by a ratio of 9 to 1 and that's being conservative. I give you an F. https://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/2015/05/20/cold-weather-deaths/27657269/ This study found a 20 to 1 ratio.
  12. Insurance companies are in business to maximise profits. They are not in business to help people and often deny claims of all sorts.
  13. Another nothing post. Obesity kills 2.8m per annum climate events just 12,000. You must be a terrible scientist.
  14. Don't you have anything better to do? Go join a gym.
  15. Embarrassingly ignorant. "The linear warming trend since January, 1979 remains at +0.15 C/decade (+0.13 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.20 C/decade over global-averaged land)." https://www.drroyspencer.com
  16. That's just embarrassing how badly you represent numbers and a graph. You score an F.
  17. The models are not reality. The reality is the past. El Nino affect was only discovered late last century and who knows what further discoveries will be made. You don't have any science on your side apart from fossil fuels improving your life by over 90% which you are ungrateful for.
  18. Wrong again. Climate is long term trends in weather patterns not expectations. Pretty embarrassing you don't know this.
  19. Wrong on both points. The rate is steady at 0.15 degrees per decade and temperatures rose by 1.1 degrees since 1900. You don't even know what you are posting.
  20. Yes tomorrow. Normal people focus on today and tomorrow. Only crazies talk about 2100.
  21. That's what they said 20 years ago. In 20 years time it will only be 0.3 degrees warmer which is nothing. Tomorrow is forecast to be 2 degrees cooler.
  22. 33 degrees now, forecast rain tomorrow and a 2 degree temperature drop. Why isn't it 55 with seas 6m higher? Gore was wrong.
  23. Your chart shows a 0.35 increase in 26 years. I can't even feel a 0.35 increase. Neither can you.
  24. Nothing post. I'm going to the beach. Great weather again today. Enjoy sitting in your chair complaining about climate.
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