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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. Go live in the jungle naked dude. Good luck.
  2. Nothing post. You got nothing.
  3. Another nothing post from a guy using fossil fuels every minute.
  4. Bit of a nothing post. I have no issues with using some solar products. Solar cars are terrible though and solar planes would crash. The fossil fuels are still king.
  5. Nothing over the last 20 years regarding climate has been much of a problem. Your comments are just whataboutism.
  6. So there is wide disagreement on inferior energy sources.
  7. Not totally and not without cost. You are not a CEO, engineer or scientist. Go back to your cheap beer and flip flops. You will be dead before renewables takeover.
  8. You will be dead before it becomes a problem.
  9. Not in your lifetime. Go drink your Chang beers and talk to a bargirl.
  10. Deaths from obesity 2.8m Deaths from climate events 12,000 You can't even work out the basics of the science.
  11. You cannot handle the truth. Posting on a computer created by fossil fuels, wearing clothes created by fossil fuels, eating food created by fossil fuels, living under a roof created by fossil fuels.
  12. The link contains all the science you need but you struggle to read it.
  13. Fossil fuels are great. Created the modern world you live in. But you are not grateful at all. Go live in the jungle and give up modern appliances if you hate fossil fuels. You would be dead in a week.
  14. People with no knowledge of science should remain quiet. https://fee.org/articles/climate-related-deaths-are-at-historic-lows-data-show/ " the United States, hurricanes are the biggest cause of weather-related damages. Hurricanes have become more costly over the past 120 years but not because of any long-term change in the weather. Once historic losses are adjusted for increases in population, wealth, and the consumer price index, U.S. hurricane-related damages show no trend since 1900."
  15. Another one with no knowledge of science. https://fee.org/articles/climate-related-deaths-are-at-historic-lows-data-show/
  16. More like 0.1 or 0.2 recently. None of us were alive in 1900 when it was a degree hotter. Nobody can feel a 0.2 difference.
  17. Fossil fuels improved lifestyles by over 90% and extended life expectancy by over 3 years. You should be more grateful and positive. Posting scaremongering on the internet is pretty sad as obesity kills 2.8m per annum compared to only 12,000 from climate. I blame the education system and the media.
  18. There are always friendly and unfriendly people. Don't take it personally as it is their personality not yours. Keep being friendly, sooner or later you will attract nicer people.
  19. A Thai lady gave me a free beach mat and she sells fruit.
  20. Good example of reality versus scaremongering lies on climate. Climate related deaths down 99%, cold kills far more than hot and fossil fuels have improved billions of lives.
  21. You said he had a heart attack so you are offended by your own comments.
  22. More lies and desperation from you. https://time.com/6175734/reliance-on-fossil-fuels/ The modern world wouldn't exist without fossil fuels. There would be extreme poverty and billions less.
  23. You are the one making up claims. You got destroyed. 12,000 climate deaths only. That is nothing. Scaremongering nonsense.
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