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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. Only for 15 to 17yos. The age of legal sex for adults is 18. You keep doubling down on misleading comments.
  2. Not for a 40yo. Your response was irresponsible and misleading. Why are you suggesting it is so?
  3. Ad Hom attack right there. So you played the victim first then insulted this other poster. You are walking on both sides of the fence. That must be painful.
  4. Like the clothes you wear and the computer you use. All made with fossil fuels.
  5. So no evidence of insults except the insults you make yourself.
  6. Nothing to do with police. It is a media report. Actually Thai police are very polite and easy to deal with.
  7. Maybe a small penis or obese or just abusive.
  8. These ratings must be based on nightlife, food and hotels. So basically nothing to do with beach quality.
  9. Thai rice output to reach 5 year high https://www.world-grain.com/articles/18264-thai-rice-output-to-reach-five-year-high
  10. That will change the climate not.
  11. Warming has boosted crops by 35% to feed the extra 2bn people since 2000. How sad you don't know anything about science.
  12. You left out the important bit "However, sex with a minor under age 18 is a compoundable offense, regardless of consent." That means it is illegal for a 40yo which the OP is talking about. You gave terrible advice. It really is simple to understand 1 to 14 illegal for everyone 15 to 17 legal for 15 to 17 only 18+ legal for 18+ only That's what all the websites say and what Thai law says.
  13. More bad advice. You are condoning illegal underage sex. The only legal age for adults is 18. The 15 to 17 category has no revelance to a 40yo.
  14. It is illegal for adults to have sex with 15yos. Your advice is terrible. https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/thailand
  15. The topic has nothing to do with marriage and your advice to a 40yo guy is 15yo is ok which will send him to jail in 1 or 2 countries.
  16. There are men and women on the beaches.
  17. I put 3 baht into a tip box in a restaurant.
  18. Provide some evidence of this please. Otherwise withdraw the statement.
  19. He will be jailed if 15yo as you suggested.
  20. For sex 18yo is legal with other adults.
  21. Are you going to correct this claim? It is embarrassing how you got it wrong despite the graph on this topic showing him to be correct.
  22. Nothing post. Nothing new there.
  23. A dishonest climate shonky alarmist. That's your man? Explains a lot.
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