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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-hold-news-conference-while-harris-visits-michigan-auto-workers-2024-08-08/
  2. Reuters says Trump wants 3 Kamala commited to 1 so far Is Kamala chicken?
  3. Do you always lie or just about politics? Weird
  4. So much dirt on Walz in 4 days. The guy is a walking disaster.
  5. Harris lost to Tulsi before. Tulsi ran rings around her. Awesome news. 3 wins for Trump.
  6. Massive win for Trump He crushed Hillary and Biden on left wing networks
  7. Left - I hate Trump Right - so what Left - you aer stupd Right - if you say so
  8. Facts Left - you troll
  9. Earth to lefty the answer is you.
  10. Wow, roll out a 30 year old cliche. Amazing.
  11. Is that you at a socialist meeting?
  12. Tampons for boys. Seems normal
  13. Nice word salad.
  14. Kamala is either stupid or a liar
  15. A lefty is sorry. Wow.
  16. Blah blah word salad like Kamala.
  17. Whole world knows Walz is coward and liar. Destroyed in 3 days.
  18. I just proved you wrong with 3 links
  19. Stop embarrassing yourself https://www.litigationandtrial.com/2012/01/articles/the-business-of-law/dumb-but-successful-lawyers/ https://laweconomicscapital.com/2019/07/are-all-lawyers-stupid-like-you/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/here-comes-a-national-plague-of-dumb-lawyers-1446752404
  20. Here you go. Obviously you know nothing about lawyers. https://www.litigationandtrial.com/2012/01/articles/the-business-of-law/dumb-but-successful-lawyers/
  21. Albanese is PM, one of the dumbest people around.
  22. Who ran away like a coward.
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