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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. 60 isnt old if fit. He looks 75. Joe Rogan is 57, looks 30 years younger.
  2. Kamala has a very thin skin. CNN website has a link showing her get angry at a few hecklers. She looks nasty. Underneath the silly laugh is a nasty person. China must be loving the prospect of her winning.
  3. All mainstream media covered it. Most are left wing. You must live a sheltered far left life.
  4. The world does. Most Olympic talk was about the boxer and the Opening Ceremony. Maybe you don't watch any news.
  5. The world gets to see whether it's Trans America or normal America.
  6. Vance - wants kids to be kids. Walz - wants kids to change gender. Only one of them is normal.
  7. Left wing radical https://www.dailywire.com/news/leftist-minnesota-just-gave-state-power-to-take-kids-away-if-parents-dont-approve-gender-surgery
  8. Radical socialist. Boys need footballs not tampons.
  9. More rules than Vietnam.
  10. True Shapiro has a brain which both Kamala and Tim lack. Vance is a neutral selection, Tim is -1 or -2.
  11. Tim has been destroyed in 48 hours
  12. The election is 3 months away. How can someone lose on an election that hasnt happened?
  13. Still defending this crazy guy. Vance is the only normal one from the four. Walz is the most extreme.
  14. Fossil fuels 99.9% responsible for modern life.
  15. Constant whingeing about Trump supporters. Khon Kaen must be dull.
  16. You must support child sex changes then. Tim does. Weird and creepy.
  17. Fake soldier, fake person like Kamala. Palin looks normal compared to these two.
  18. Shows Americans have gone mad. In the 1990s Tim's ideas would lead to a mental hospital.
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