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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. Maga are positive.
  2. Trump wants low inflation. He had it for 4 years. He had secure borders, no wars and no weird woke stuff. Nice try but another loss for you. 12 nil.
  3. Imagine supporting this Tim guy. Felon, weirdo, old looking, angry and wants high inflation.
  4. Yes, woke weirdo and felon.
  5. Job participation rate Trump wins again https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/labor-force-participation-rate
  6. US inflation https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/inflation-rate-cpi Trump did well
  7. Vote Trump no wokeness
  8. Why post rubbish? Trump had low inflation.
  9. Created jobs for them. Had low inflation. Inflation hurts the poor the most.
  10. Bush is a war criminal. I find it bizarre Trump gets more hate. Trump had sex with a porn star. Bush killed thousands.
  11. This is why I support Trump https://www.dailywire.com/news/trans-six-year-olds-custody-battles-and-tampons-for-boys-tim-walzs-record-on-kids-and-gender-ideology
  12. Trump still winning swing states. Wait till they find out how weird Tim is.
  13. He lies well. Trump boosted the economy. Job participation was higher under Trump, real wages grew. Trump took no salary as Pres. Lost money. Tim is a proven liar. Thanks Tim. Walz looks very old.
  14. Best friends with Mike Tyson.
  15. Walz signed a cluster of legislation in April 2023 that established Minnesota as a haven for children who want puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or transgender surgeries. https://www.dailywire.com/news/trans-six-year-olds-custody-battles-and-tampons-for-boys-tim-walzs-record-on-kids-and-gender-ideology
  16. Trump presents no harm to children. https://www.dailywire.com/news/trans-six-year-olds-custody-battles-and-tampons-for-boys-tim-walzs-record-on-kids-and-gender-ideology Walz signed a cluster of legislation in April 2023 that established Minnesota as a haven for children who want puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or transgender surgeries.
  17. Best states have a GOP Gov. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/economy/growth/gdp-growth Trump 2024
  18. Biden is stepping aside
  19. Why support woke child abusers?
  20. 1 Individualism - most right 2 Collective/mob rules - most left - socialism, communism, fascism, kkk The mobs are all collectives.
  21. Which is weird.
  22. https://apnews.com/article/oregon-senate-republican-walkout-0490a4e750297cf392797724b0e414ae Sounds a mess
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