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  1. Who really cares other than the self centered, self absorbed people of the US. The credibility and respect that the world once had for the country has vanished and has now become the world’s source of jokes, ridicule and entertainment. Forum topics like this attest to the sad state of affairs that “Merica” is in.
  2. Ventolin is a rescue inhaler when experiencing an asthma attack( mild or major). Symbicort is a maintenance inhaler for respiratory issues. Two completely different meds. Speak to a real Dr and don’t take advice from keyboard Dr’s.
  3. I am Canadian and lived there until 5 years ago. Sadly I can no longer say I am a proud Canadian. I left for numerous reasons but cost of living was at the top. I made a good living and have excellent retirement earnings but I was tired of just getting by. You will need to make minimum 6 figures just to get by and taxes are among the highest in the world. And the climate for me sucks. As mentioned, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal are the most expensive but that’s where the jobs are. There are unskilled jobs in Alberta in the oil industry that pay well, but the cost of living eats it up. You mention the Indians and other immigrants as Canada wants to appear to be humanitarian to the rest of the world. What you don’t hear is 60% of those immigrants leave within 5 years as they never found a better life citing cost being the #1 reason. Another reason I left was because of the people. We used to be known as friendly and polite but now everyone is miserable, angry, entitled and playing victim. The government (like most it seems), don’t want to help its people, its wants to help business. Canada seems to be heading the same way as the US in many ways and that’s a scary thought. Just some things for you to ponder before you make a decision. The world is a big place. Good luck wherever you end up.
  4. Your government as is your country is a joke boss man. My country is not far behind which is why I don’t live there, but nobody wants to nuke us. Keep thinking I’ll jump for you. Such dumb, dissolutional thinking. No wonder Americans are the butt of all jokes
  5. And I apologize as it originally was not directed at you, my mistake. But you certainly have qualified to warrant my comments.
  6. I am certainly not looking forward to anyone, anywhere suffering but with you all in a tizzy just waiting to use your B 52’s, your lack of empathy and intelligence shows true. Not knowing the meaning of hypocritical also explains much. Again your superiority complex thinking I have benefited greatly from what you have given me? The only thing you have given me is pure entertainment and the will to never be like you. I wish you well in your hate fuelled, racist attitudes.
  7. Another American thinking he is superior to all. Look where the bulk of the world’s population is and maybe you will understand the 70% comment. Your small world of 400 million people has lost any credibility and power with the rest of the world in the last 10 years. The bubble you have created is about to burst.
  8. Being someone that has travelled the world extensively, I have witnessed and also read that approximately 70% of the world’s population would like to see harm come to the US. The reasons are far and wide. They still believe they are the center of the universe and continue to upset much of the world. So when it comes to choosing sides for most Countries, I believe the answer is clear.
  9. Scott is an embarrassment to all farangs. He claims he had been here about a dozen times before deciding to move here and advises everybody to do their research. Yet, when he moves here, against all advice I had read, he decides to bring possessions from the US, collects more here and then complains that he has to pay to ship these things? Apparently, he also didn’t know that it is hot in Thailand and that thais speak Thai not English. Good research! And the drivers? Of course, many things are different here than the west, but as guests here it is up to us to adapt, not to change them. As the interview goes on, the truth is revealed that he did not find his supermodel girlfriend in the bars of Pattaya(shocking), and that he needs to go back to work. Poor financial planning or too much money spent in those bars and on the bar girls. He also claims to have lived in over 20 fun places, so Thailand was just another one. This is a man who will never be happy wherever he is, and I don’t believe the supermodels will be lining up for him anywhere. I guess the upcoming Civil War in the US will give him the excitement he needs. Good luck and good riddance!
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