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  1. They do it so you fat , bald , out of touch farangs have something to talk about. Your lives are so boring and racist that you have nothing to do but drink and judge others.
  2. Do Expats in Thailand Often Trade Western Wives for Younger Thai Women? Only at the night markets.
  3. Why do fat, old, drunk, bald men stay in Pattaya? Where must you be in your life that you spend time thinking, judging and posting about other people‘s choices? So sad.
  4. “Should you approve “? What is this, 1950’s?? It’s her choice not yours. BTW, if after 7 years this change is wanted, there may be more changes to follow including you.
  5. He’s a C list celebrity that somehow sold millions of people so much bs. We now see the true American intellect. Sad.
  6. Any CC or Bangkok debit card works fine for me. Never an issue.
  7. Nothing to say because someone stood up to the bully. Just need Canada to do the same. Have Canada freeze all the oil and electric imports into the US and see what happens. Let Trump raise all these tariffs and watch how quick the US goes bankrupt just like all his businesses do.
  8. We The People have shown just how much the USA is a joke to what the rest of the world already knew. I feel sorry for you all. This is not a left or right, nor a Democrat, nor Republican statement, it is only my personal opinion that is shared by probably 75% of the world. The USA is no longer what it used to be and will only get worse. I have no idea what the answer is, but what you have now is certainly not working.
  9. They are a 3rd world country already but in denial. Close to being bankrupt, close to civil war, television personalities making stupid decisions. Armpit of the world now.
  10. My side? I said I’m on the other side of the world and happy to be as far away from the cesspool called USA. Nowhere did I say I was from the left or right. Was just pointing out how simple Americans are and you’re keeping with the tradition. Good luck in your sad country that nobody really cares about anymore other than for entertainment purposes.
  11. It’s funny that the topic is Liberal meltdown but all I see is comments from Republicans still disrespecting the Democrats and gloating over the win. I think the meltdown is coming from the right knowing now that the future that has been decided is very bleak. That said, the Republicans finally won fair and square so congratulations on the win. So happy I am 15,000 km away.
  12. And that is why America is a joke to most of the world. 400 million people and those are the 2 best people picked to represent and govern the country. Sad really.
  13. “And so the exodus of quality expats begins.” What’s the big deal? If you knew the definition of “expats”, it’s what they do. They go to a country for a time and then leave to go somewhere else. And to think there are “quality expats” just shows that they think they are better than everyone else. Such entitlement. Don’t let the door kick you in the a** on your way out.
  14. I may very well be a tool but extremely fortunate not to be an American.
  15. You just proved my point and no one listens to the likes of you. Oh and btw, good luck with the your countries looming bankruptcy. That’s why most of the world is moving away from the USD.

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