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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. let's see if they actually go and if they do wait for the result ....... which will result in further nonsense of they said this and she said that. The RTP can't win either way and maybe get arrested for a dodgy visa or threatening a local citizen.
  2. maybe she did have but it was forcibly removed from the camera's of other persons involved.
  3. Proper long term fasting has many good points going for it, usually dismissed out of sheer ignorance by the medical profession. How could not filling someone with a cocktail of drugs be beneficial?
  4. is that where the saying "taking the p1ss" comes from?
  5. Yes, in the land of fake everything - yes.
  6. Don't worry, it's just all p1ss and wind, garbage reporting and unintelligent retaliation from the BIB.
  7. And it's certainly generating advertising and clicks here - anything to increase the bottom line, "never let the truth get in the way of a good story"
  8. Who told you they attempted to contact her, your wife's 2nd cousins ex boyfriends mate?
  9. I along with many Thai's consider the Bt 100/200 here and there as harmless, but outright corruption is not really accepted, not that the average person can do anything about it.
  10. I take very little notice of any "truth" being presented in these fora, if I need confirmation I go to the source.
  11. Get a marriage visa with multi-entry stamp, that's the easiest -, you just have to time a visit each year to coincide with the expiry date and compile with the requirements for renewal.
  12. But Thailand being the hub of everything, they are entitled to claim them
  13. Certainly doesn't have the support of the previous person on charge - meaning anything is possible.
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