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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Pleased see that you used the correct spelling for force....
  2. they don't have time to address anything outside of their own small world, it takes time to pin on all the braiding and medals and wind all the watches and then deciding which one to wear each day. Give them a break, there's only so much time in every day.
  3. Thai Chinese are all part of motherlands "family'.
  4. being nicked would be a better solution .....
  5. did he hit anyone - no- well that's ok, carry on regardless.
  6. but unfortunately, the majority of people being caught are those without smart phones to scan and pay and probably don't have the banking accounts with direct pay access anyway.
  7. Licences upto 2001 or so were issued for life, unfortunately I missed out by a few months when I got my Thai licence. My wife has a lifetime licence as does the mother-in-law who has never driven a car in her life.
  8. hope he's very cute, the tough guys will adore him and make sure he has a good time.
  9. In case you have difficulty in comprehension, my comment was based on your "god forsaken" country - a comment you would expect from someone who doesn't live here.
  10. I guess your brilliantly constructed comment "Why are these idiot tourists still coming to this god forsaken place?" is relevant.
  11. If Thai , it's not necessary, either side is Ok.
  12. and how many of the millions of tourists each year drive cars or ride motor bikes?
  13. Do you live in this god forsaken place or are you an off-shore expert on Thailand?
  14. Had to bolster the numbers attending the gathering some how, useless security staff do have a limited number of uses.
  15. Circumference
  16. Fee for service has always been the way of doing business in Thailand, that is how the officials in days gone by earned their keep and had always been accepted, however, corruption in the real sense is different, the average Thai was acceptive of the fee for service but not corruption. The trouble today is the line between fee / corruption has become blurred.
  17. The small omount that westeners pay out is just a fee for services rended (tea-money) and is peanuts compared to what is changing hands by the Chinese gangsters that are currently being looked at, now if anything comes of it is another story.
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