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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Majority of Thai's don't have any hang ups on mask wearing, with many of them doing it not to spread what-ever is going around to others.
  2. Don't you realise Thailand is the centre of the world, therefore what is recognised outside of the centre means nothing.
  3. Good advice from my wife, when driving - jai yen yen.
  4. a couple of wai's, a week as a monk and all is forgiven - so easy to fix-up major crimes in LOS.
  5. suits me nicely at the moment, actually would love it to go sub 20 as I have a need to convert Baht to $A.
  6. I haven't woke n up as yet......
  7. Well that be certainly be an improvement over the current and likely future one's .
  8. before either get elected, they need to win the election - but being Thailand don't worry about that as there are ways and means of ensuring that comes about.
  9. one problem is the majority that would need strict fines being imposed are those that have zero money to pay massive fines anyway - so it doesn't work.
  10. It said the 10 top for the year, not the yearly total ????
  11. Sounds more like a complete vacuum between the ears.
  12. A bit of a generalisation, in my view many Thai divers are very good drivers, many others are reasonable with a vast number utterly and completely useless who shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere near the steering wheel of a car or the handle bars of a motor bike - even a push bike is beyond their capabilities
  13. Napoleon and Pigsie may well have made it a priority, but do the BIB care - nope, they do as they please if and when it suits them....
  14. I'm a little older and she is a little younger married since 2001, bought the land, built the house etc, also no complaints from another lucky guy.
  15. Put it down to a life experience .................
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