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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. No, it should read again and again and again ♾️
  2. A few years back a friend of the family was promoted to superintendent of xxxxx National Park (no name for obvious reasons), but it was a very very very big park with a big mountain, within the first year he increased to revenue by a factor approaching 5, improved the conditions for those living in the park and generated paid work for many of them, the next year he was ceremonially punted off a very minor location well away from anywhere. Any guesses why????
  3. He's never been anybody in the eyes of the hi-so, just a figure head placed there by others.....
  4. Well something was probably stiff.......
  5. And for an Aussie, it would be 'ute'
  6. he's free to roam wherever and whenever likes- "don't you know who my father is".
  7. don't believe all you read from these nonsense newspapers, from my understanding the Thai fire-fighters were allowed in once it became understood that it was serious, and assistance was needed.
  8. and what happened to the no-naming nationality law - or didn't they get the memo as yet?
  9. Seems all the problem of reducing the annual road massacre are now inhand - but not holding my breath for any significant changes.
  10. How about they concentrate on getting all Thai's vaccinated first, then think about stupid schemes trying to make money.
  11. As this Thailand, it will along with all like important issues be off the front page in a day or two, all forgotten (how fortunate) waiting for the next disaster or drama.
  12. They could start a collection of used ping-pong balls from the adult shows, shouldn't take long to collect enough. Get to the bottom of things - - no problem, just drawing up the short-list now for who takes the blame.
  13. Not important, he was only a Karen, so doesn't really rate in the eyes of the authorities.
  14. Not his call even though he is probably very happy with the arrangement.
  15. Don't ask difficult questions, They have enough on their plate attending to the raising of an international warrant for the red bull guy, that's seems to have proved impossible so what chance have they got with an ex PM?
  16. I would also suggest that a pump incorporated into to a water heater would be unlikely to achieve any pressure reduction of significance, if at all.
  17. A little out if context, my reference was to a water heater /pump, but you are correct in the case of a major pump being connected to the towns main.
  18. Not necessarily negative (and very unlikely) but certainly a reduction in the inlet pressure.
  19. Would think he has his ar&e well covered to safe guard his well being.
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