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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. I already read it yesterday. The accounting firm I contacted out of curiosity several days ago kindly sent me the link with that news.
  2. Are they planning to establish a new wing of the government? Department of Men in Black. Intended to investigate every 1st world alien's out space assets and income.
  3. I am quite sure they certainly have no such resources or manpower to do that. Unless they can fetch and torture every single innocent alien here brutally. "Tell us all about your income outside our kingdom. Or your pain persists even longer..." Land of the smile will rapidly turn into the state of another North Korea with the tropical climate. Certainly bad for this country's reputation as the major tourist destination.
  4. ..expand the tax base by requiring platforms with an income of 1 billion baht or more to report their sources of income. ------------------------------ It means he is not interested in anyone's foreign income less than 1B THB/year. Seemingly targeting mega corporation/super-super rich individuals. What make you guys worry so much? Any of the readers/posters here earns that much money each year I certainly don't LOL. This stupid article is another form of Click Bait; trying to draw readers' attention with the scary headline. Nothing more than that.
  5. positioning themselves strategically along bustling tourist hotspots. Looks like the best line in this article. And it shows they are well-organized by those behind the scene. In some countries(might include Thailand), there are underground shops that rent out baby for the female beggars. So they can earn more by buying sympathy from the passers-by.
  6. I have seen exactly the same scene in Thai-Burmese border(Tachilek) nearly 2 decades ago. Dirty little hill tribe boy in worn clothing begged money to the westerners passing by on the border bridge. When one old man gave some, he was then surrounded by 10-20 of such. And he looked like panicked. So I refused to give money when another similar one asked for a change. Even though I often give 10 B to the beggar sitting roadside elsewhere.
  7. What a deceptive title. I thought CBD stands for Central Business District LOL. Hardly imagined it is something about cannabis.
  8. The Cabinet(supposedly the government) declared the change as of June 1 this year. But the actual bureau is not ordered to do so. Another common event in the land of Same Same, but different.
  9. He is the credit to western expats in Thailand. Long live the good man.
  10. When the government officially announce the change, don't you call it Press Release? Thailand Relaxes Its Visa Program: Longer Stays For Tourists And Digital Nomads (forbes.com) thai government announces visa free stay of 60days from June 1, 2024 - Google Search
  11. "changes can take some time to enforce" and asked us to be patient. In a press release, they officially announced that it would take effect on June 1 this year. And this is what they say now?
  12. Pretty low country risk in terms of natural disaster. No major quakes, no cyclones, no sea surges(inland area). The only possible disaster around my apartment is, the plane crash. There is a busy military/civilian airport within 4 miles radius.
  13. If the New Tourist Levy is introduced, does the Thai immigration lift the restriction of 2-border run a year? Brought in by previous military dictator in 2015, it strictly limits the available (land)visa-run numbers in one year. Whatever they do to these old things, one thing is absolutely clear; it is another source of revenue to enrich the 0.1% of already-superrich of the kingdom. Rather than to be used to make the poor better off. Democracy does not really stand for the change for the better here. Instead, it often means more corruption and flow of rip-off money into the pocket of the high-ranking. And it done more openly as THEY WERE ELECTED.
  14. Introducing nuke power plant in the near future? While being overwhelmed by stare rail's track maintenance? Having enough manpower and technology to operate it in safe way? What kind of joke is it? Want a suicide toy?
  15. Foreigners only have to spend some cost of cheap photocopies. But it is those in tax department to do all these near-zero meaning workloads.
  16. If you are on tourist visa, you are not affected by this
  17. At the end of tax year, the revenue department will find out what a waste of their time and energy to tax on foreign retirees. Creating useless paper works for nearly nothing.
  18. Which type of retirement visa are you on? I have been on non-immigrant O(changed from Tourist visa more than a decade ago) for years. And it does not require health insurance. Instead, the stayers must keep at least THB400000- in own Thai bank account year around(THB800000 full amount for the first 3 months after its extension if you are on fund-in account method). It has been like that since 2017 as far as remember.
  19. The proposed change opens up the flood gate for more overstayers, illegal workers, and foreign offenders. What makes this current government so keen to help increase Thai police's workload? They are already busy enough with the negatives already here.
  20. Giving visa-free entry to more 3rd world countries. And allow them to stay for 60 days in the first place. On the other hand, those from the 1st world only get 1 month(visa-waived) stay?
  21. Machine Gun-Wielding Robot Dogs made in China. Looks like one step closer to the judgement day LOL.
  22. The unknown foreign tourist:They drew the first blood. Not me.
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