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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Instant Solution against the risk of violent dogs. Costs less than a few dollars.
  2. How about ผัดผักบุ้งไฟแดง ? Stir-fried water spinach.
  3. If he was not doing anything wrong, he would report to the police as the victim But he did not. It might mean he did not want other people to know about what he was doing then;drinking heavily and senselessly swearing at the local. Muslims usually do not drink(back home where They Supposedly Exercise Their Religious Faith). Like many Asians, they also got the Culture of Shame.
  4. To some idiots, pain is the best and only language they can understand fast enough.
  5. If that man yelled and insulted those men, he simply got an instant Karma.
  6. Back in 1998(during my first visit to Thailand), I have witnessed several Arab tourists(all from the Oil Rich Gulf States; from the passenger manifest the bus driver was carrying). And they Looked Pretty Rude toward the local. They were all smoking on the bus(with Non-Smoking sign displayed). The bus driver repeatedly told them to stop it, but they all ignored with the sneer of contempt. Then the bus driver opened up the door while the bus was running at 70-80km. And they looked stunned. Don't mess with otherwise calm gentle people. Or face own consequences.
  7. Want to be World's Financial Hub? Better improve Own Transparency before the Impossible Dream.
  8. Only Anti-China medias highlight the danger of EV battery from China? Look at the following coverages. Bangkok Post - EV fire in Korea prompts questions about batteries South Korea to hold emergency meeting after EV fires raise safety concerns | Reuters There have been 6462 electric vehicle fire accidents across the country this year, and the market penetration of lithium electric plates has increased. | Shanghai Non ferrous Metals Mercedes-Benz EQE Fire Incident Raises Questions About Chinese EV Battery Safety - Businesskorea Academic-A-review-of-battery-fires-in-electric-vehicles-2020.pdf (maritimesafetyinnovationlab.org)
  9. Matter of Choice. Internal Combustion engine? Or Spontaneous Combustion engine?
  10. EV sales in Thailand slumped significantly? I bet very few people wants to ride a Running Time Bomb. Even though nearly 80% of the EV batteries(Lithium Ion) are from China, their safety has been very much in doubt for many years. Chinese Communist Part was expecting Global Electric Car Boom. But what they really got is, Ev Kah-Boom instead. 21,000 Fires a Year! China’s Often Self-Igniting EVs & EBs Become Ubiquitous ‘Moving Bombs’ - YouTube
  11. Population Invasion is Chinese rulers' common strategy. Sending in own people gradually by taking advantage other countries' immigration policies. And increasing their influence in politics and administration (through the power of money). Their ultimate intention behind such moves is, the takeover of other nations' sovereignty. That is why Thailand has been quite restrictive regarding the grant of their permanent residency(to all nationalities). Already in the 19th century, Thai government started to impose tax on the commercial billboards written in Chinese to weaken their power. That is the wisdom of old time Thai bureaucrats for national defense. But modern-day Populist regime is undermining it.
  12. Population Invasion is their common tactics. Sending in own people gradually by taking advantage other countries' immigration policies. And increasing their influence in politics and administration(through the power of money). Their ultimate intention behind such moves is, the takeover of other nations' sovereignty. That is why Thailand has been quite restrictive regarding the grant of their permanent residency(to all nationalities). Already in the 19th century, Thai government started to impose tax on the commercial billboards written in Chinese to weaken their power. That is the wisdom of old time Thai bureaucrats for national defense. But modern-day Populist regime is undermining it.
  13. Population Invasion is Chinese rulers' common tactics. Sending in own people gradually, taking advantage of other countries' immigration policies. And increasing their influence in politics and administration(through the power of money). With an intention to take over other countries' sovereignty. That is why Thailand has been quite restrictive regarding the grant of their permanent residency(to all nationalities). Already in the 19th century, Thai government started to impose tax on commercial billboards written in Chinese to weaken their power. That is from the awareness of China Risk among the old time Thai bureaucrats. But modern-day Populist regime is undermining it. Perfect example of China's Population Invasion is, the Lao, Thailand's closest neighbor. In return of China's Cash Injection into the poor country, they are demanding super-long term land lease for the purpose of Chinese settlement. Pretty much like 21st century Colonization.
  14. Thailand Has Global Ambition to Become Tech Talent Hub by 2030? Better make their Online 90 Day Report site workable before aiming That High. It has been here for ages, but never worked properly. When I reported it at the local immigration office, they told me that I need to lodge the complaint in Bangkok instead. Always saying more than they can really do. it is the common nature of the Populists.
  15. Thailand Has Global Ambition to Become Tech Talent Hub by 2030 Before you aim that high, make your Online 90 Day Report site workable. It has been here for ages. But never worked properly. When I report it to the local Immigration Office, they told me to lodge the complaint at Bangkok office instead of here.
  16. Chinese imports of nasty quality. Years ago, I bought a bicycle lock at one of those B20- stores. It broke down soon after purchase on my way home. Cracking down low-quality goods from China? Fine. But they might dodge that attempt by attaching a false sticker. That says Made in Thailand. Good to know that Chinese manufactures even counterfeited Royal Mail(UK postal services) stamps that were widely circulated. Fake UK stamps blamed on Chinese-made counterfeits (bbc.com) Royal Mail urged to investigate claims of Chinese-made fake stamps | Postal service | The Guardian China accused of flooding Britain with fake Royal Mail stamps | The Independent Reminds me of fake USD and GBP printed by Nazi(in huge quantities) during WW2.
  17. Thinking about buying a house in Japan? It is not really difficult. Unlike many other nations, Japan does not require foreigners to have any permanent residency/citizenship. In today's Japan, millions of Unwanted Houses are in the market. They can be extremely Cheap. Or completely Free; for Give Away to someone Who Wants Them. But they come with some costs. Like many other nations, the local government charges Property Tax(based upon the market value of the house). The followings are just a few of the examples for those interested.
  18. Trump has been known for his favor of Poo-tin for years. Therefore Poo-tin wants Trump to win the presidency of USA. Expecting the current American aid package to Ukraine will be reduced/scrapped. So that it makes a perfect sense that dictator-controlled state media portrays D.T.as Poo-tin's close ally.
  19. Some of the American laws now encourages people to Commit a Crime. The perfect example is the infamous CA proposition 47. After its introduction, mass looters' flashmobs start to ransack the retail shops openly. And such footages are often uploaded on Youtube.
  20. Playing Poo-tin's hound. And that's what happened. Friend of the Crook is another Crook.
  21. LOL. I have heard of the man who got burglarized 4 times in just 3 months...
  22. "Singapore to be the safest city for tourists, with a negligible risk score of zero. Tokyo followed with a score of 10.72, then Toronto with 13.6, Sydney at 22.28, and Zurich at 22.97..." Regarding the theft risks, Sydney(and all of Australia) is a lot higher than Thailand You can never leave your bags(large or small) unattended. It can be gone in the matter of minute. Or even faster. Often, stealing other people's stuff is done as a Game among the jobless youth. How Do I Know IT? I have lived in a plural states of Australia for many years in the past. In terms of the transparency of the system, Australia is certainly the 1st world. But when it come to the level of the modern-day individual morality, it can look like the 3rd world unfortunately(throughout my experience 1980-90s. Some car drivers in big cities even reportedly toss their (still burning)cigarettes at the nearby cyclists as a sign of hate and contempt. And I should stress that I have never lived in any Rough Neighborhood during my residency period in Australia. Still, I can find out this much of the ugly sides of what you call More Advanced Nation.
  23. Very true. Most ordinary good Thais are calm, gentle, and friendly to the strangers. Quite upsetting that some uneducated bad-mannered aliens take advantage of their non-confrontational attitude. I have been here for nearly 2 decades by now. And that is my evaluation of this kingdom and general tendency of the common people.
  24. Just depends on How You Do It. I do it straight(fully meeting financial requirement every time) . But some people resort to the Back Door Method. Want to know more about it? Contact any of the visa brokers in Pattaya. And they will gladly tell you How...
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