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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Er, many foreigners were in Thailand decades before the Americans showed up to bomb and massacre Thailand’s neighbours. Maybe your ignorant parents taught you that?
  2. I arrived here from the UK 3 months ago. It is true that I am an economic asylum seeker. The cost of living crisis is crippling, Rents, food, energy. I could have survived there, but I would have been cold, bored and miserable, I can live very well here. I came here for a better life. It does not mean I want to turn it into a gigantic hole. Do you?
  3. An extra spicy Som Tam salad followed by a spicy Tom Yum and ten Leo’s usually gives me a good clean out.
  4. Man made climate change and microplastics in the ocean. we are wrecking the place for thousands of species.
  5. Farang apologists and whataboutists always pop up on these threads.
  6. Did you actually read the Facebook comments? Or sort of just imagined what you think they would have said?
  7. Can I suggest some EveningPrimrose Oil and some ginseng
  8. Overlooking a lake with faux French doors and a grandfather clock.
  9. A touch over defensive about the issue are we?
  10. Most farangs marry hookers or women with kids to another man. Quite often both. we could do a AN survey.
  11. Some people need to take a good hard look in the mirror.
  12. Was either of your wives virgins? or had they been soiled by other men before you got down on your knee and agreeing to sign over your assets to them?
  13. It was Roo123 who suggested him, which makes me think Roo123 probably IS him? Anyway Dan shouldn’t give up his day job. He ain’t going to make money with an empty Dating site or 45 YouTube views.
  14. I am sure the Thai athletes will pick up a couple of medals at the Paris Olympic Games. And good for Thailand to benefit from the French coming over to avoid the traffic and congestion, Go Thailand.
  15. Where is this welfare office Bob?
  16. Seems despite claiming 100,000s of FB, Insta, TikTok, YouTube “followers” that very few actually follow him with a handful a views. Doesn’t make any sense. That dating site you recommended??? More girls in a 7/11 Not sure I have the right one???
  17. Planned Phuket train and the route marked out and land reserved by King 5. They haven’t got around to building yet. Coming soon, will link Krabi as well to Surat.
  18. Waitresses get paid stuff all. So you are not going to get the brains trust of Thailand serving up food.
  19. always a good idea in a foreign country to yell at the locals, especially in Thailand they love it shift worker. Up to him. Mind your own business.
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