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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. If you meeting them on a dating site they are all giggly because they know they are about to be laid. They are happy
  2. I actually think I have one for him. Her name is Karen,
  3. I didn’t feel disrespected. Did you feel disrespected? Too much sensitivity and wokeness these days.
  4. I bet it wasn’t the actual kids who were complaining just the over protective Karen parents.
  5. That’s right. The blue one. Check your medical journals and get back to me with a thank you.
  6. Yeah, tough no nonsense people who don’t make a fuss these Thais. Their country, their laws, if you don’t like it there are flights out every few minutes. a lot of media hype about these dogs. I have never known anybody to be killed or even attacked by one personally. But I have known plenty of people who have them. Two day ago an American stabbed an Aussie. Do we ban Americans because they are dangerous? Humans kill more humans than dogs do.
  7. Yes and I am not impressed, more underwhelmed than anything. The USA education system has a lot to answer for.
  8. I don’t disagree that he should. For various reasons. But he won’t.
  9. It didn’t go unanswered People went to jail for it. Someone else always goes to jail for Trump who is a rich, white male. cohen his lawyer ended up in jail for acting for him. others have do.
  10. Dear Fred, I know you are not too bright but you go to the doctor,they give you medicine and about two weeks you are cured. I don’t mention this to women as they might hold it against me.
  11. Nah, he is rich, old and white. Never happens.
  12. Nah, he will be back in another four years to lose again.
  13. I don’t mind sharing here. It is what it is. But I would never tell a girl I am trying to bang as it wouldn’t improve my chances.
  14. Tell the landlord you will have to move out immediately because he can’t do it and that is the law and you are sorry.
  15. You were discussing signs with another poster. So I was just letting you know that in this case there was a sign. No need to get all worked up about it.
  16. Sounds like he didn’t see her. You only have to stop on zebra crossings if you see someone. If there is nobody there you just drive straight through.
  17. I was just telling you they had a sign. No need to be all defensive.
  18. yes, you can be privy if you want. why the carry on? They had a sign Lou.
  19. They did and very kindly agreed to pay for the funeral and compensate. Good people, unfortunate situation.
  20. Why, they didn’t do anything. Old Grandpa opened the gate. And how would that actually help anyone? Apart from give a few Karens some weird kind of satisfaction. Luckily the Thais are a lot more sensible than some of the posters here and the victims funeral is being taken care of etc.
  21. I blame averageness of our cuisine on our lazy women. Back in the UK three of my friends wives tried my girlfriends food and declared that they wanted her to teach them how to cook Thai food. So they came around. Girlfriend wasn’t impressed, comments included “They don’t taste check to balance the flavor” “ They just want to do quickly” The UK is probably the highest achieving country in the history of the world. But sadly the women are slack and have let us down and they don’t know how lucky they are.
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