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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Time he starts using a condom, instead of putting children in the world, which he later will destroy their lives. I think it's rather Musk himself that needs urgent medical attention for his mental issues. That idiot acts like a 5 year old child.
  2. Well said. If he had sent 800.000 baht to Thailand 12 months ago, just put it in a savings account without even using it for his extension, and sent it back today, he would make a profit of over 80.000 baht instead of the 40.000 baht he has made in Oz. And he calls himself a smart investor. 😂🤣😂
  3. The provider I use doesn't use any social media, and doesn't even respond to unsolicited messages, which I told you in the PM. So you making up more lies
  4. Yes you did, I was online, saw you coming online and post the sad emoji. You were the only member in the thread at that time. So now you are even a liar
  5. No one so blind as those who don't want to see
  6. This is just one of your issues. People here go out of their way to help you, and you give them a sad emoji in response. When you made your rude comment to me, about if I was gonna post the name of the provider, I already had sent you the info and you should have a PM notification. So if you can't bother to read it that mean you are not interested in any help. Nobody here owes you anything, so you should drop your attitude, and stop wasting everyone's time. In your numerous other threads about your issues, you show the same attitude to people who try to help you.
  7. Maybe you should adjust your attitude a bit if you're looking for help. I sent you a PM even before you made this post, and you haven't read it yet. Maybe that explains why you have so many issues
  8. Where are the posters now who always claim that accepting money in exchange for sex isn't illegal in Thailand, since it isn't prostitution.
  9. Damn, I misread that as Nude Thai & Spa, must be my dirty mind
  10. And does IPTV GTV also doesn't work for you?
  11. You willing to pay 600 baht a month?
  12. Try to spend more than 200 baht per month on a service, and it actually may work. As with everything in the world, you get what you pay for, and those here claiming that their 200 bht service is perfect have an agenda. My service plays everything just fine, but it cost more.
  13. He is well known for making bad choices, and he still continues with that. Could that be because he is an idiot with a low IQ, who has no idea what he's doing?
  14. Only that the baht isn't strong, in fact is same level or even weaker than 10 years ago. The only currency it has signifcantly strengthened against is the Brit pound, but that is because the pound has weakened. And the Brits on here posting they get 5% interest in the UK and are winners LOL
  15. Posted 12 minutes ago Are you with TOT or True DOCSIS? Do you have a wireless mouse or air mouse plugged in the box?
  16. If those speed tests were to UK, then the problem is with your IPTV service. Did you select London GB at the top of the page? With those speeds everything should work fine. Since you ordered a 10m cable, obviously your router is within 10 meter distance, which also shouldn't be an issue for the wifi. Are you with TOT or True DOCSIS? Do you have a wireless mouse or air mouse plugged in the box?
  17. So you don't know that Trump's appointment headed the FBI since 2017? And you didn't see this in the OP? So why does Trump's own appointed FBI head, singles out republicans and Trump himself? No need to answer, as it is obvious you have the IQ from a real MAGA head
  18. So deflecting and denying facts. A real MAGA supporter I reckon
  19. Someone asked already, where has Musk posted the results.
  20. This thread is about the FBI, so do you deny that Trump's appointment has headed the agency in the last 8 years? If not, explain why his own folks went against him.
  21. Rather think it i a typical version done by someone who knows maths. Trump obviously doesn't, as that is proven by his bankruptcies.
  22. Wonder then why they went after him?
  23. Different story here. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-toys-with-doge-dividend-as-elon-musks-cost-cutting-project-continues-to-add-new-goals-160559599.html Trump toys with 'DOGE dividend' — but the math doesn't add up yet The DOGE team has begun to put its work online and is claiming $55 billion in savings so far thanks to an array of actions from fraud detection to contract renegotiations to workforce reductions. The group has only provided a detailed accounting for the savings from contracts and real estate actions. Those add up to less than $9 billion in savings. Jessica Riedl, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute, calculated the real confirmed savings so far are closer to $4 billion, which she notes translates into a dividend of $2.42 per person.
  24. Thanks, don't know how to measure the current, but when I google it it tells me 50amp for short bursts, and up to 100 amp if on automatic. The battery I have used until now is a 3 cell 9.9V 1350mAH Lifepo4 with a 12C rating. I looked up the welder you mention, and they go around 1500 bht on Shopee and Ali, which I consider a bit much for a 1 time use. I can have found Lifepo4 batteries with the nickel soldered already on Ali, but they don't have any reviews, and no tracking available, or have to pay 1900 baht for shipping with a tracking number. Furthermore, I also found Li-ion batteries with the strips welded, but Google tells me that you will be lucky if a Li-ion lasts 2 years, even when rarely used and properly stored. My use for it is to scare the pigeons off my roof, so it get used very rarely For now I still think the AEG will become redundant.
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