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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. So after all those years you still don't know how the US CIA works. And YOU were one of those accusing the Russians of it.
  2. Why you consider that civilians would think about that small detail? Do civilians have officers these days? This whole thing was set up by the US, using civilians to hide their involvement.
  3. You should ask why that clown lawyer activist doesn't petition the EC or CC. It becomes very clear on whose payroll he is
  4. Thaksin is against weed, and any other drug, and the next PM will be installed by...................Thaksin
  5. Since when is Thaksin part of the coalition?
  6. All planned from the beginning, or who do you think gave the order to appoint the convicted lawyer.
  7. What are the odds this was all on the books from the beginning. Get MFP denied running the government - approve Thaksin's puppet as PM so Thaksin can return, then order him to appoint that convicted criminal, which Thaksin knew it would backfire.
  8. I hope you don't count Anutin as a god
  9. If you didn't know that exchange rates change every day, you should have stayed in the UK
  10. You started with the questions, and now you are on ignore, as get tired of you deflecting to make your boat float.
  11. Let us make it easier for the simple minds. Harris, who was responsible for the immigration under Biden, let in 3 times as many illegals as Trump, but you would still vote for her?
  12. Ask yourself, because you are one of those hardcore lefties, who want another 4 years of wokeism
  13. Then I wonder why you were complaining.
  14. Ever considered taking your own advice,.......oh wait, I'm talking to a leftie, which don't like truths.
  15. Not so difficult to enlighten an ignoramus
  16. As soon as they are made from wheat
  17. I'm asking you not to distort FACTS. Trump let in 3 million, Biden TEN million. BUT
  18. That's about a third of what Biden let in https://homeland.house.gov/2024/05/22/startling-stats-factsheet-biden-administration-on-track-to-reach-10-million-encounters-nationwide-before-end-of-fiscal-year/ I hear they even flew them in and gave them fake ID's
  19. He doesn't need to, Venezuela is coming to him through the open borders the lefties enabled
  20. Maybe try to learn how to use the service, and collect the free shipping and discount vouchers that are released every morning
  21. I can't even recall the last time I paid for shipping on Shopee or Lazada
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