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Everything posted by TedG

  1. Zero wars started by Trump.
  2. Some of these tech stocks are over valued for sure.
  3. Everyone on the lefts loves to point to Reagan for everything wrong with the USA. As I noted in another post, unions peaked in 1950’s. If you look the middle class you are hard pressed to say it’s been gutted. In fact, many people have moved to the upper class. If you want to talk about manufacturing job. That has declined since the last 70’s. Yet, the service sector as increased.
  4. Vice President Joe Biden caused a stir on Tuesday with remarks in which he referred to people being put "back in chains" if the Republican ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan wins It’s the normal hyperbolic rhetoric from the lefties.
  5. It’s funny to listen to the gloom and doom from these people.
  6. The OP is just a self hating leftie.
  7. BTW…Union membership peaked in the 50s.
  8. That’s not a good reason to attack an old man.
  9. This is funny coming from the guy who is always threatening to use nukes.
  10. This is true. They are praying for the next great depression.
  11. Joeflation was fantastic for the middle and lower class.
  12. We should revisit your prediction next year.
  13. A budget can be balanced with debt. Do you understand the difference between debt and deficit?
  14. Good, that was an eyesore.
  15. You should read this article Joe Biden is more responsible for high inflation than for abundant jobs The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/05/11/joe-biden-is-more-responsible-for-high-inflation-than-for-abundant-jobs
  16. None of these items are socialism.
  17. God bless you dear sir for gracing us with your presence once again.
  18. The Internet is never wrong.
  19. What are the O2 levels in the rarefied air where the elites reside, that you would be willing to pay so much for a Visa to live in Thailand? Then again, we should be honored that someone of your stature came to hang out with us plebs on this site. GOD bless you for giving us some of your time.
  20. They sure have a nice sense of fashion.
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