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Everything posted by TedG

  1. I just showed you that Europe has a large number of homeless people.
  2. You're a low-IQ leftie.
  3. Says the low IQ poster.
  4. In 2023, there were an estimated 890,000 people experiencing homelessness in Europe on any given night, according to FEANTSA. This number is based on people who sleep rough or in homeless shelters. In January 2024, 771,480 people were experiencing homelessness in the United States, which is an 18% increase from 2023,
  5. You people are boring.
  6. In 2023, a US intelligence assessment said the war was a stalemate, which proved true. In April 2023 word broke that an Air National Guardsman named Jack Teixiera was arrested after leaking intelligence documents. These showed internal U.S. assessments calling Ukraine a “catastrophic situation” that was “grinding toward a stalemate” and a “protracted war beyond 2023.” This came out just after Anthony Blinken said Ukraine’s position was “stronger than ever,” Joe Biden said Putin would “never” win, and General Ben Hodges said Ukraine would be liberated by August. Let's look at the facts. 1) The war is at a stalemate. 2) Putin is not leaving because he does not want to lose facts. 3) The idiots from Europe are funding the war by buying gas from Russia. What is your solution?
  7. The United States engaged in an undeclared naval war in the Atlantic Ocean with Germany before World War II. The war was most intense from September to December 1941. How it began President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the U.S. Navy to act as if it were at war with Germany. The U.S. Navy and the British Royal Navy began operating together as wartime partners. The U.S. Navy captured the Nazi blockade runner Odenwald, which was carrying rubber from Japan to Germany.
  8. This is Joe Biden’s legacy.
  9. When are you headed to Ukarine to fiight?
  10. Then let the free world step up and pay for the war.
  11. What abot the last four years?
  12. Why do you call me a Russian troll? Tell me what was not true in that post.
  13. Retribution by Max Hastings
  14. There is a lot of truth in that post.
  15. Don't worry; Europe plans on cutting ties with Russia by 2027.
  16. This is such a dumb talking point. <deleted>
  17. The average lefties care and expect someone else to carry the load.
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