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Everything posted by TedG

  1. And Ukraine and the Baltic states want to be free of Russia. Russia is a bad actor.
  2. It is best to understand the definitions of words before using them in a post. The US has three branches of government: the Executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. Trump cannot change this. Autocratic government A system of government where the ruler, or autocrat, has complete power. There is no system of checks and balances, and the ruler is not accountable to the people, press, or a cabinet of advisors. Autocratic governments include all forms of dictatorship and some forms of monarchy.
  3. No nation wants to be in the sphere of influence of Russia.
  4. Three years later Russian can’t conquer Ukraine. Which means Russia has little chance of conducting a ground war against NATO.
  5. Which is why Trump had troops still in the coutry.
  6. Did you read the section on “Soviet Republics”. Revolutionary governments based on “soviet democracy ”. You should read the page about soviet democracy linked off Soviet Republics. What a load of propaganda. Communes are not governments running counties. Kibbuzs are not governments running counties. Cuba? Cuba is totalitarian.
  7. Name a socialist government that was not authoritarian.
  8. Socialism is a political and economic theory that advocates for the community, rather than individuals, to own and manage resources and property. It's based on the idea that public ownership of the means of production will lead to a more equal society. Socialism is not welfare. Socialism is a system where the government owns the means of production. All the businesses are owned by and run by the government.
  9. If tariffs are so bad, why did Joe Biden keep them in place?
  10. The country said, "Oooh," and Dems control branches zero branches of the federal government.
  11. The rate of inflation is down. But, since Jan 2021 prices have increased over 20% based on the CPI-W.
  12. No wonder people don’t trust the MSN these days.
  13. That is not true. Have you bothered to read any of my posts on this thread?
  14. No, that is false. Mr Biden’s stimulus did, however, put a rocket under inflation. In April “core” consumer prices, which exclude energy and food, were 13.4% higher than when he came to office. They have risen more than in other g7 countries, and their acceleration coincided with the introduction of Mr Biden’s stimulus. Research suggests that, even by September 2022, the largesse was pushing up core inflation by about four percentage points. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/05/11/joe-biden-is-more-responsible-for-high-inflation-than-for-abundant-jobs
  15. Again, if the US military had been ordered to force regime change in Syria, it would have happened. Let's talk about Putin's two-week war that is over 1000 days now.
  16. The only thing that has been “decimated” in Afghanistan, to borrow Biden’s term, is everything that U.S. service members sacrificed to build.
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