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Everything posted by TedG

  1. This can be said about the current administration.
  2. Sounds like they have something to hide.
  3. This is a dumb post. FFS.
  4. Please explain how imposing tariffs and cutting taxes have anything to do with the OP's post. Do you know Social Security has run a deficit since 2010? Do you know that Social Security accounts for 21% of the federal budget? Do you know that Medicare/Medicaid/ACA/CHIPS accounts for 24% of the federal budget? Add in welfare with 545 billion or 8% of the federal budget. These programs consume 53% of the federal budget.
  5. People like you lack the mental acuity to understand the USAs budget mess. The US can’t run trillion dollar deficits until the end of time.
  6. If I did what Hunter did. The fed would toss the book at me.
  7. When the dems talk about two systems of justice. This is what they mean.
  8. Putin thought Ukraine would crumble in a few weeks. Now Putin is stuck in a war he can’t win.
  9. You just summarized the average Russian troll.
  10. 1) when the war stops Russia will enter into a recession. Russia is screwed in that aspect. Russia is in a war economy for a two week war. LOL. Have you seen the Ruble lately? 2. I support the US and EU helping a country defend itself against Russian aggression.. Russia is a fail state.
  11. It was disinformation https://www.npr.org/2022/03/25/1087910880/biological-weapons-far-right-russia-ukraine https://www.rand.org/pubs/commentary/2022/09/debunking-russian-lies-about-biolabs-at-upcoming-un.html Russia is nothing but a disinformation machine.
  12. This is dumb. The left is losing their minds.
  13. Russia is pumping all their money into the war effort. Which is tossing a money down a black hole. Putin is planning on spending 40% of the budget on the war in 2025. This is not productive spending. The Russian economy is heading for a crash.
  14. 1) Ukraine did not pick a fight with Russia. 2) Russia is a corrupt country. 3) Biolabs is disinformation. 4) How much does Russia pay you to post?
  15. 1) The US did not push Russia into Ukraine. 2) The Russian economy is not doing well. 3) You are posting Russian propaganda.
  16. Free speech is not overrated.
  17. A VPN won’t stop you from getting hacked or getting a virus. A VPN will add overhead to your connection via encryption and such. What lowers your throughput. The other factors are the location of the VPN server and the capacity of the VPN server.
  18. It’s the price you pay for diversity.
  19. Russia started this mess. Maybe they leave Ukraine for the sake of peace. But, the idiot Putin does not want to get egg on his face.
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