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Everything posted by TedG

  1. Are you angry bro?
  2. The dems needed to be punished for lying about Joe Biden.
  3. The OP is correct. Kim does not want the people of NK to know how the rest of the world lives.
  4. nah….stop being a drama queen.
  5. She needs to be cancelled.
  6. The state of NY sent 10 people to raid a house for a pet squirrel. And you feel the need to defend this action. This is the same state that won’t go after low level criminals.
  7. Gazprom reports 9-month loss of $3.2 billion https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/gazprom-reports-9-month-loss-32-billion-2024-10-29/ I love good news.
  8. The cumulative rate of inflaton is over 20 percent since Jan 2021. BTW, the current rate is 2.4%.
  9. Lefties going to leftie.
  10. The war monger in this case is Putin who started the war. BTW..everyone should hate Russia.
  11. The other day, I had an Uber driver in New Jersey who surprised me. His name was Mohammed, and he was listening to the Trump/Rogan podcast. After talking with him, I learned that he is a Trump supporter. It seems that Trump is making inroads with the nonwhite working class
  12. Lets hope this happens sooner than later.
  13. It has 15,000,000 views and 4.42% of the US population and counting.
  14. Do the massive defcits caused by these programs affect the rest of the world?
  15. Something needs to be done about Medicare and Medicaid. These programs are eating the federal budget.
  16. New flash: There is no Social Security trust fund, and the system has had negative cash flow since 2010.
  17. This reminds me of the 51 experts who said Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.
  18. Most of these lefties fall to pieces if you try to engage them in a real policy discussion.
  19. Some studies suggest that older parents may be associated with poorer child outcomes: Cognitive ability A study found that older paternal age was associated with poorer performance on neurocognitive measures and reading difficulty in children. Adult health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10233307/#:~:text=Again%2C very few studies have,replicating with larger%2C contemporary samples. Children born to older or younger mothers have worse adult health, are shorter, and have higher mortality than those born to mothers aged 25–34. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3881604/#:~:text=Consistent with prior literature%2C we,age up to age 45. Children's feelings Children born to older parents may feel different from peers with younger parents, regret having no siblings or living grandparents, and fear premature parental death. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10688717/#:~:text=Their main findings included that,premature parental death%2C (iv) Children's expectations Children of older parents may be expected to act much older than their actual age. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/people-were-raised-older-parents-031603226.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJm34lPmeaLi-xGyOw8yg1z3NFGxKwg_qQiGo9afEalF8vY5s7srxSZ6fLq-b5VDOrFcu_a-7w475gECO7HYM_KlZ0akSD4dIVYrxatmbUuxvTKNyUQ817ViGQjC2haOx0BC6puCk-rdIdk_C57kh4eqm8HTM3hCXa9uKG118M9M#:~:text=21.,meet them in the past."
  20. You do not understand simple math.
  21. Congress won't address it becase it's hard work to deal with hard issues. Does anyone remember the 2% sequester and the calims it would end the world. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2013/02/08/fact-sheet-examples-how-sequester-would-impact-middle-class-families-job
  22. At least you have your marching orders.
  23. I consider that article pure BS.
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