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Everything posted by TedG

  1. No, No, No, Biden was the CIC during this event. he reversed the Trump administration’s conditions-based drawdown policy and announced that all U.S. forces would be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Sept. 11 of that year, whether or not the Taliban had met its commitments under the 2020 agreement. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/15/afghanistan-withdrawal-pullout-military-taliban-chaos-evacuation-biden-inhofe/
  2. Read this one. Throughout this period, Biden refused to reexamine his policy. On July 8, 2021, even as the Taliban were on the march, he insisted that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan was not yet inevitable. Meanwhile, his administration refused to expedite the evacuation of U.S. citizens and Afghan partners because it feared this would signal a lack of confidence in the Afghan government. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/15/afghanistan-withdrawal-pullout-military-taliban-chaos-evacuation-biden-inhofe/
  3. After taking office, Biden undertook a superficial review of our Afghanistan policy—one that totally ignored the advice of his top military advisor and his commanders on the ground. On April 14, 2021, he reversed the Trump administration’s conditions-based drawdown policy and announced that all U.S. forces would be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Sept. 11 of that year, whether or not the Taliban had met its commitments under the 2020 agreement. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/15/afghanistan-withdrawal-pullout-military-taliban-chaos-evacuation-biden-inhofe/
  4. WASHINGTON (AP) — The top two U.S. generals who oversaw the evacuation of Afghanistan as it fell to the Taliban in August 2021 blamed the Biden administration for the chaotic departure, telling lawmakers Tuesday that it inadequately planned for the evacuation and did not order it in time. The rare testimony by the two retired generals publicly exposed for the first time the strain and differences the military leaders had with the Biden administration in the final days of the war. Two of those key differences included that the military had advised that the U.S. keep at least 2,500 service members in Afghanistan to maintain stability and a concern that the State Department was not moving fast enough to get an evacuation started. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-top-former-generals-say-planning-failures-of-biden-administration-drove-chaotic-fall-of-kabul
  5. You sound like a programmed talking point, leftie. Biden botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He owns the mess.
  6. Your <removed> is showing...Biden sucks. He was not fit to serve more of his term. He screwed up in Afghanistan. His policies were horrible. He pushed inflation, etc.
  7. History will not look kindly on the Biden admin.
  8. Putin messed up by invading Ukraine and stuck in a war he can't win. Now he is trying to save face.
  9. Again, if the US military were ordered to take Assad out of power, it would happen, and Russia would be powerless otherwise. Russia is a paper tiger.
  10. If the US military was ordered to oust Assad. He would be outed.
  11. Russia is nothing but a gas station posing as a country.
  12. If the US military was orders to oust Assad, he would be ousted. Then we have this https://thewarhorse.org/special-forces-soldiers-reveal-first-details-of-battle-with-russian-mercenaries-in-syria/
  13. The Russia military is an epic failure.
  14. Z Russias are total failure this point.
  15. Why would anyone have a good opinion of Russia?
  16. Putin Boasts of Being Able to Take Kiev in 2 Weeks https://time.com/3259699/putin-boast-kiev-2-weeks/
  17. That looks like the Russia Navy.
  18. Yep, Zelensky knows the game is up. Putin will bankrupt Russia in 2025. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/09/24/russia-to-boost-military-spending-to-40-of-state-budget-in-2025-bloomberg-a86450
  19. No, helping Ukraine defend itself against Putin is a moral choice.
  20. Europe needs to step up their efforts.
  21. Does he really? Or is the OP spewing BS views that fit your narrative?
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