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Everything posted by TedG

  1. A million is not what is used to be.
  2. What’s the tax on selling in CA?
  3. Joeflation is at 2.9% after years of high inflation. Inflation was lowered via the Fed raising internet rates. Joe Biden inherited low inflation.
  4. We have talk about this before. Joe Biden’s policies pushed inflation.
  5. Joe Biden and the dems gave us 20.8% inflaton since Jan 2021, and you are trying to push this narrative?
  6. Biden’s hands were tired on the boarder until he read the polls The dems in the states hands were tied on getting kids back to school until they read the polls. Harris has no idea about anything.
  7. You lie.
  8. Trump gave away Afghanistan? Really?
  9. Can someone translate this?
  10. Nothing is ever Biden’s fault.
  11. Blood volume is the amount of fluid that's circulating in your blood vessels. Maintaining a normal blood volume is necessary for blood to be able to adequately reach all of the tissues of your body. When you're very dehydrated, your blood volume can decrease, leading to a drop in blood pressure. https://www.healthline.com/health/dehydration-and-blood-pressure#low-blood-pressure
  12. Were you dehydrated?
  13. You are referring to yourself?
  14. They built the overall government that the people can’t afford?
  15. Having basic common sense. Which is on short support on the left these days. A college degrees does not make one smart. I know plenty of people without college degrees who are brilliant people..
  16. You still can't afford it. UK general government gross debt was £2,720.8 billion at the end of Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2023, equivalent to 101.3% of gross domestic product (GDP). UK general government deficit (or net borrowing) was £40.8 billion in Quarter 4 2023, equivalent to 6.0% of GDP.Apr 30, 2024 https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/governmentpublicsectorandtaxes/publicspending/bulletins/ukgovernmentdebtanddeficitforeurostatmaast/december2023#:~:text=UK general government gross debt,equivalent to 6.0% of GDP.
  17. The US put a man on the moon in 1969, invented GPS and the Internet. What bunch of stupid people.
  18. You have a government you can’t afford.
  19. Huh? Getting a college education does not make a person smart.
  20. The US is better in economics and all that good stuff. GDP per Capital (USD) USA $85,373 AU $64,712 Plus, the US has freedom of speech.
  21. Do you have a problem with fly over states?
  22. Then the Dems ran the House and Senate during COVID and spent 5 trillion. Then they followed up with even more spending when Biden became POTUS.
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