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Everything posted by TedG

  1. This is nothing but Russian propaganda. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/115204.htm
  2. I don’t understand why so many of you people fall for Russian propaganda. I have news for you, Russia lost the war in the Ukraine and is stuck in a quagmire. The longer the war the worse it is for Russia.
  3. That is the MSNBC view of life. MSNBC is awful.
  4. The courts will strike this down.
  5. The West can beat Russia. Russian can't even handle Ukraine.
  6. Democracy is declining in SE Asia. https://www.economist.com/asia/2023/08/31/south-east-asian-democracy-is-declining
  7. I’m sure why the US should be sticking its nose in Sweden’s business.
  8. https://www.economist.com/interactive/us-2024-election/prediction-model/president US election | Donald Trump has a two-in-three chance of winning in November
  9. Yes, thank you for asking. How was your day?
  10. Wikipedia has a lot of well-written articles. It's a good starting point. Do you know what a large volume of science research can't be reproduced? Who do you trust these days? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK547524/
  11. Yes, I'm afraid I have to disagree. When the CIA spied on the Senate, was anyone held accountable? When the NSA spied on US Citizens, was anyone held accountable? When Hillary destroyed evidence, was she held accountable? When Joe Biden had classified docs, was he held accountable? Government officials have qualified immunity. They are above the law.
  12. It’s sort of funny to see laws supported by Hunter Biden father landed him in court.
  13. The laptop that 51 “intelligent” agents claimed was Russian disinformation was used to show Biden was on drugs.
  14. Russia. Russia, since imperial times, has been considered both a great power and a regional power. Throughout most of the Soviet-era, the Soviet Union was one of the world's two superpowers. However, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation as its successor state lost its superpower status. Source Wikipedia
  15. Russia is not a superpower.
  16. I thought this was a Special Operation to De-nazify Ukraine. Did Putin lie?
  17. Putin got over his skis when he decided to invade Ukraine. He thought his vaunted army would roll over Ukraine and he would install a puppet government. The USA offered Zelensky an escape button from Ukraine, but he declined and became a leader. If Zelensky had left, Ukraine would have collapsed. The people of Faught fought on, and Now Putin is stuck in a quagmire and willing to set Russia back for decades to conquer Ukraine. In the process, Putin has convinced other nations to join NATO. Putin failed.
  18. The Putin supporter's concern for Ukraine's losses is touching. Ukraine is fighting for its sovereignty; that's why they fight. I'm happy to see the West supporting Ukraine's defense against Putin.
  19. Hilary's actions were inexcusable. She deliberately destroyed evidence that, if it were you or me, would have led straight to federal jail. It's a clear case of double standards.
  20. I just looked at the new iPad Pro, and the screen is stunning. I'm deciding if it's worth the money to upgrade from my 2018 iPad Pro.
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