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Everything posted by Terrance8812

  1. depends how you define dude.
  2. underpants off, lubed up proper, covered in vegemite and pornhub for dayz.
  3. Did you see the Oppenheimer documentary? Was very well done.
  4. Eggs, veges, fruit, yoghurt, milk. No meat, bread. Try 1 week see if you feel better or worse.
  5. Are you unhappy today? Try peanut butter and tuna.
  6. You sound very frustrated.
  7. You don't seem happy today. Are you ok?
  8. Oh Booby, I'm crushed, after all we've been through together.
  9. I love you too girlfriend.
  10. It doesn't live in Thailand. It lives in Australia. But everyone does wish it would leave AN.
  11. Be nice now. Killing the messenger isn’t going to change the fact that Biden just pulled the best political maneuver in modern history. 👍🏼
  12. Biden rug pulls Trump. Biden’s last hoorah in the 11th hour. Epic. Got to give the old codger credit for such a well played hand. A Royal Flush!
  13. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Did you really think the Democrats would ever really give Trump a fair chance of winning again? You know it’s all rigged against him, right? He never had a chance.
  14. Anecdotal and will have zero effect on interest rates, currency exchange rates, or the financial markets going forward if she gets elected. You can refer back to this post middle of next year when the dollar is weaker back at around only 33 Baht to the dollar, inflation is sitting back at 2%, and interest rates are at around 3.5%.
  15. Close contacts working in the White House.
  16. You're talking politics. Although I don't really agree, I'm not really interested in debating the points you made. But my post was purely about economics, inflation and unemployment. Yes inflation was lower under Trump because we were in the middle of Covid and the whole world was locked down. Look at the inflation for the USA versus Europe versus the UK versus and any other major economy, the inflation data during Covid, after Covid, etc., is all the same. It has nothing to do with the political leaders. It's just about central bank policy, interest rates, etc. Just facts. But going forward, if Trump introduced all those tariffs on imports that he promised, then that would definitely cause a spike in inflation. Whereas Biden's policies on taxation have had no impact on inflation, Trump's would.
  17. From what I've seen, from the majority of posts on this website, it seems there are more expat Trump supporters than Harris supporters here in this online community. That may not be an indication of anything, because you're only looking at a few hundred people here, but that's been my observation within this site. Otherwise, I fully agree with what you just said. Very good chance Trump would've beaten Biden. But very good chance now he's going to lose to Harris. The fact that Trump is in cognitive decline, and Harris is sharp as a tack, and nearly 20 years younger, makes a huge difference.
  18. Don't let susanlea trigger you. He is just a vile, hateful and angry troll, has zero to add, and makes posts that are weak, lazy and uninteresting, while being aimed at applying minimal effort for maximum effect. Don't waste your good time and thoughts on this non-entity.
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