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Everything posted by Terrance8812

  1. Last time this happened to me I told them that I couldn’t fight because my Muay Thai coach told me that I’m not allowed to practice on amateurs and that was the end of it.
  2. In Thailand, swearing at someone in public can be considered an offense under certain circumstances. While there isn't a specific law that outright bans swearing, the behavior can fall under the broader categories of defamation, insult, or causing public disturbance. Relevant sections of the Thai Penal Code include: 1. **Defamation (Sections 326-333)**: Defamation involves making a false statement that harms another person's reputation. This can include swearing if it is directed at an individual and damages their reputation. 2. **Insult (Section 393)**: Insulting another person can be punishable by law if it is considered to harm the dignity of the person. Swearing at someone could be classified as an insult. 3. **Public Disturbance (Section 397)**: Causing a public disturbance through rude or indecent behavior, which can include swearing in public, can also be penalized. The penalties for these offenses can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity and context of the incident. The enforcement of these laws can be subjective and may depend on the specific circumstances and the discretion of law enforcement officers.
  3. Bringing your red headed girlfriend with you?
  4. Anyway, nothing to worry about, right? Just go ahead and act like the bunch of nasty, dirty old ashholes when you arrive over here as you are planning to do. You will be welcomed with open arms. 🤗
  5. I am hoping you do. I think you'll really enjoy meeting me and my 25 friends.
  6. I am fully proud to announce that I WILL NOT be there.
  7. Bringing your own ladyboys or planning to rent some while you are there?
  8. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=puerto rican shower
  9. Wake Up Get the gunk out of my eyes Fart Have a slash Drink some water Jump onto Pornhub - Check for latest tranny porn Bounce to AN - Read Bob Smith's latest fantasy about being rich and well endowed Eat a bowl of Fruity Puffs covered with sweetened condensed milk Burp Turn on my penis pump Back to Pornhub to surf the GILF section Scratch my balls Fart again Twist up a fatty Blow my mind Take a dump (pinch 3 loafs or it doesn't count) Tweeze my nose hairs Do a Puerto Rican shower Back to sleep Rinse and repeat Life Is Good!
  10. I’m from Canada and I’ve been in Thailand for about five months now. As I continue to immerse myself in the Bangkok way of life, I’ve also been contemplating dipping my toes into the dating scene here after recently breaking up with a long-time girlfriend from back home. However, I must admit, I feel a bit out of my depth. While I’ve heard countless stories about the charm and allure of Thai women, I’ve also heard about the complexities and nuances involved in cross-cultural relationships. One concern that weighs a bit on my mind is the stereotype about Thai women and their financial aspirations. I want to ensure that any potential relationship I engage in is built on mutual respect and understanding, rather than purely on materialism or expectations. Another aspect that I’ve heard a lot about is the importance of family in Thai culture. While I deeply respect these values, I can’t help but feel a bit intimidated by the prospect of meeting a partner’s family early on in a relationship. How can I navigate this aspect with grace and sincerity, while also ensuring that I’m setting the right tone for the future? Additionally, I’m keen to learn more about the language to help form a relationship. While I’ve been making efforts to learn Thai, and can speak a bit, I wonder how crucial fluency is going to be in building a meaningful relationship. Well, I may have already some general stereotypes and misconceptions about dating from others in Thailand, so I’m eager to gain a more nuanced understanding now. I do want to approach this with an open mind though as I have a genuine desire to connect with a woman in the right way. I truly appreciate any wisdom, long term experiences, or advice you can share or offer.
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