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Everything posted by Terrance8812

  1. Huh? You've got it completely backwards. Inflation is at 2.6% right now. Nearly at the 2% Fed target, down from its peak of over 9% in 2021. The Fed will now cut interest rates in September and then 1-2 more times before the end of the year. As soon as the first two rate cuts hit, then the Baht will be back to 33 to the dollar. If you want high inflation then you would need to vote for Trump. His planned tariff policies on all imported goods will create supply line shortages in America again and force inflation to go back up. This will result in higher interest rates and a stronger dollar again. The US economy under Biden is the strongest economy the US has had in the last 50 years. Lowest unemployment since the 70s. Unemployment was really high under Trump. He created the lowest number of jobs of any president in recent history. These are just facts and have nothing to do with a political debate.
  2. The truth is that Biden had been planning to pull out of the election for months already. He purposely kept it a secret between himself, Harris, and his closest advisors and then waited until just after the GOP convention, once Trump had already made the wrong VP pick, for Biden to finally make his move. He did it to rug pull Trump and the timing of it all worked perfectly. Now the GOP are running scared and are trying to impeach Harris in the House. Trump has even filed a useless complaint against Harris with the FEC because of the hundreds of millions of campaign dollars she has already raised. I love it. It all shows just how badly the MAGA Moonies are strung out, deep in crash recovery mode, and simply don't know what else to do. Desperate times calls for desperate acts. I'm putting extra butter on my popcorn now and will enjoy watching Harris mop Trump up on the campaign trial, and then eventually win the election in November. Say bye bye to the convicted felon. He's orange toast.
  3. You probably misunderstood the instructions. Where it says to put it on over your head, they weren't referring to the one resting on top of your neck.
  4. That's the most desperate sounding response I have ever heard from a MAGA-MOPE. It's pretty sad, but I guess that's the best that anyone can come up with when trying to paint Trump in a good light. The facts are the facts. Such a dark Day for America.
  5. Oh, FFS, you are back? How depressing. It was so pleasant when you decided to go fork off and ride your dildo for a day.
  6. But so does Covfefe, I mean Trump, no wait... Cant the GOP come up with a candidate who isn't a convicted criminal felon, a confirmed sex offender, and who isn't almost 80 years old? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  7. That's 3 posts so far. You can do this.
  8. You go girl! And don't stop until you get to 100!
  9. Hey, leave me out of this. I pay well for what I consume.
  10. Leave @bob smith out of this. He's taken enough heat for that small matter of his already. In fact, he started a whole topic about his fascination with another man's micro gear.
  11. Sounds like you are speaking from personal experience. Please give our regards to your African American male lover.
  12. Well done. Did you get some good photos?
  13. Best Hotel Ever! http://atlasbangkok.com/
  14. You put ketchup on your pizza. You put soy sauce on your eggs. Your put salt in your orange juice. Motorcycles driving on pedestrian walkways seems perfectly normal. You no longer expect cars to stop for you at crosswalks. Red lights become optional when driving. Rats and roaches running over your feet in the Sois no longer shocks you. You no longer get startled when rubbish piles in the street start moving. Picking your nose in public seems perfectly normal, but using a toothpick to clean your teeth requires hiding behind your other hand. Sitting on the street with one foot on the opposite knee and picking your toes becomes a normal habit.
  15. No doubt the biggest waste of 12" of print space, the likes of which the world has never seen before.
  16. Fantastic business idea. I envy you. A huge, untapped market. I suggest you go fully into it and no holds barred. Definitely give it your all. Pull out all the stops. Put your heart into it and go for broke. Invest heavily into it using only the top film crews and directors. No doubt it will prove to be the best financial decision you ever made.
  17. Sure bro, hold my beer. 😉
  18. It’s always entertaining to listen to all the goofy and bizarre conspiracy theories of the MAGA minions. First Biden is a walking corpse not even capable of shaking the dew off his own lily and the next minute he’s a mastermind plotting some sophisticated tactical plans to take Trump out which involve the deep state (whoever they are), the secret service, a 20 year old kid who isn’t even a great shooter, and the list goes on. If all the fantastical far-fetched fantasies weren’t so funny to listen to it would be sad to think people are really that confused and gullible about what really is fact and fiction. The one thing I can say about the emergence of this cartoon character Trump, and all his ridiculous buffoonery for the last 8 years, is that it has helped to expose the deep cracks in society and how foolish so many of the people in the world today really are.
  19. no, it would be bad, you wouldn't like it.
  20. You really need help processing reality. Watch any YouTube video of the Jan 6th attack in the Capitol. If that isn't the definition of an insurrection then I don't know what is. It was a violent, destructive melee, they were also trying to capture Mike Pence to hang him. They even setup gallows. Forget it, I usually don't bother replying to kool-aid gulpers because it's silly to try and talk sense to someone who thinks Trump is a god. I'll stop now.
  21. Deep denial. Sad.
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