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Everything posted by fotofinish

  1. what female company?
  2. they wouldnt be seen dead on jetstar
  3. yeah ur spot on Ivan..absolutely no difference between 1775 and 2022....all the ''nuances'' of the 1770's and 250 years later during 2020's mirror perfectly lmao pos
  4. you just broke the record for the amount of kremlin tropes in one opinion piece lmfao
  5. just brainwashed thieving fkwits like their runt 'leader'
  6. yeh you stay safe there sergei in the land of the Free ....the fatherland misses you wishes the best for you lol
  7. lol a ruzzian using phrases and words like ''insightful'' and 'well thought out rebuttal' too funny. Cheerleading for thieves,murderers and war criminals who fire cruise missiles at children's hospitals, yeah you've really made something out of your life sergei.
  8. dont bother trying to find common ground with a current or ex kremlin paid troll
  9. lol youre something else..so full of bs kremlin tropes.
  10. if you stopped on the orange hes in the right
  11. you wont live to enjoy it if she gets in
  12. vigilant?? 7 years lol...maybe thats good in Thailand?
  13. we're looking at much more conflict if she does both local and international. do you really thing all the autocrat regimes will think for one nano second that she'll give the final okay for nuclear deployments?? the US president has the final say. we're cooked if she wins...too early for women presidents right now
  14. civilised the place. improved living standards prosperity etc etc...what did your guys bring or do you just not understand history lol
  15. its a slippery slope.. next youre lured away to be robbed at any cost
  16. it'll be a trump landslide if shes the democrat leader
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