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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. World's worst advice. Water landings are notoriously deadly. He came in hot. Pilot error. He should have diverted to a longer runway. Most airplanes have a manual crank under the cockpit to drop the gear. Total sh&tstorm.
  2. It's partly a pilot error. I watched the landing and he came in hot. They should have diverted to an airport with a longer runway.
  3. You quoted liberal trash media. They will be dealt with as well.
  4. I thought we would discuss Led Zeppelin.
  5. I hope you are not confused by elephants and hookers.
  6. Hey Mr. Trump hater, are your actions so idiotic that you haven't realized that the thread is about Biden? Good on you for paying such close attention.
  7. What's worse? The road safety nonsense or blaming the Mitsubishi buses for the PM 2.5 pollution?
  8. When does the idiot pardon himself?
  9. placing it on the ground in the wrong direction was an accident. Placing it on the ground in Soi Boakaew was so <deleted> stupid. Igniting it wasn't an accident. Dumbass.
  10. Why bother to post anything?
  11. Safe and effective. Think about it.
  12. Why hasn't anyone noticed that there is no woman in the photo?
  13. Chase him with what, more lit fireworks?
  14. I blame mRNA.
  15. I find the red and green dresses to be more bizarre than the ritual.
  16. You are as wrong as you can be. Assuming you have a trustworthy agent (I used Nan Services), It is 100 percent worth paying extra. Why? Just do the math. Account for your time, the trips to the Bank, pictures, and all the other things, including pay Grab; it only costs a few thousand baht to pay the agent. Just account for all your costs, and you will see.
  17. Where is the proof of the destruction? I want to see the evidence!
  18. No one drops it; they always do it directly in a hat. Good God, man, from where do you hail?
  19. Seriously, that's a sh*Ty answer.
  20. He didn't destroy it, he transformed it into a piece of sh*t.
  21. Pure crap. Go to local hotels that host hookers and watch the beeline of motorbikes ridden by Thai men who drop them off and pick them up after they have been banged by foreigners. Hypocrites.
  22. Dunno, my grandmother called them all hairdressers.
  23. Just how big do you think the boy's pecker is?
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