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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. Thank you for that article. It is that article that made this post. Well done.
  2. The bureaucracy in the USA is terrible enough. Imagine how bad it is here. Pull the sheets over your head when you get in bed with the Thai tax collectors.
  3. No worries, several followers will ignore Benjamin's advice because he disagrees with them. Fools.
  4. It was written by a man who had never read the agreement between Thailand and the USA. Do you want it?
  5. This will become another reason to use an agent, bypassing all this nonsense.
  6. My son pays all the bills. I'm too feeble-minded to handle such a task, or so I was told. I have a few thousand baht in my account. I am a pauper. When I die, my son has it all. I don't want him going through the grief (save it for me) of trying to get money from the bank. He has it now. He keeps the gold, too. I have found when I ask him to pay for something, that he does inquire now why the money needs to be spent at all. That was an added bonus.
  7. My child has a Thai account that is not associated with the USA or any country other than Thailand. I sold some gold and upon trying to deposit it into my account and getting asked for my passport and which country I come from, I just had my son deposit the cash. No questions were asked.
  8. It will take one expat with the means to pay for the lawyers to bring suit as the damaged party. It will happen.
  9. I don't bring any taxable income to Thailand. As a generous philanthropist, I gift money to Thais, which is not taxable.
  10. It's been a few years since I ate dinner at Fuji. I had forgotten about the 10 percent service charge, which I don't remember being mentioned on the menu. If anyone regularly goes to Fuji, let us know if the charge is mentioned on the menu. I asked the cashier who got this money. She told me that the waitstaff receives nothing. So the company tacks on another charge you don't see until the bill arrives. I don't like this. Many people will assume that the waitstaff gets this money and, in kind, leaves no tip.
  11. You are one of them. Get them all. I won't miss you.
  12. You forgot the word "Legally." We need skilled immigrants, not criminals, who know nothing that is pouring across the border. 19 days.
  13. Redpocket.com doesn't advertise that it works here, but it does work via WIFI calling. I can receive calls and texts; it is a real USA SIM card. Just look for the sim with calls and texts. 45 Dollars a year. I bought the sim from eBay initially and top up 30, now 45 dollars a year. The banks see it as a real mobile number, which it is. https://www.ebay.com/itm/133196831828?_skw=redpocket+annual+sim&itmmeta=01JGGFXPZ7JWMD6B0K5TN2SR8V&hash=item1f03265c54:g:c0gAAOSwmAlc2cBk&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKk3zVMAM7nSO4SAoN5TBhkSBHpW0IEWHA445B6J%2FKlO5X6k9crBXmoEoY8UYTAutHdvu6ZJILmyvoM%2BxSxWSrX831SWt%2Fq%2BDHBmhObZ6EmDGP%2B7QKEODlkLerEKrNy3QsaTgj040BxC4fX8QFnl31sc9ARtfpFfdNtuo77LM1DUuU3GsQj%2BJpXfgDCVPtvdWKpo6HXZthx84JWQiqUNQrKsO--7seg22NgJ0RimsJhM3BLCq6GYr4h%2F6O6aCCNXMrtWQUhzQrfWQQemtMKeWhr068q0PNlloNSr3TI4Gmv5CA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBM3O_2j4Rl You can probably buy from them directly and get the same plan.
  14. What are they? Don't just state it. Write it. I slipped my second to lowest vertebrae. It's more than debilitating. Weed not only made me comfortable again but somehow relieved the pressure on my spinal cord where it was pinched. It also affords me deep sleep. The negative is if too much is taken, and by taking, I mean, I eat weed, I don't smoke, but too much makes you useless. The type of weed matters as well. There is a balance to be achieved.
  15. A good distance, but not kilometers. They had too much speed. Full stop.
  16. Stop proving you know nothing about Aeronautics.
  17. They had a working engine, did they not? Do we know for sure both engines were out?
  18. I could see that from the short video. Even so, a belly landing should stop the plane fast.
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