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Posts posted by Thighlander

  1. I am a cafe user. 7 hours for 60 THB. The sped is good. This particular place on Ratchipakani, the guy keeps the software up to date, and I haven't had any security issues or been accused of using an out of date browser. I don't like to travel with a computer, it's just something else to get stolen, dropped, or cause a delay at the gate. But now, most hotels have free WiFi, and it is really tempting, and the main reason is this. Some farang come in here with some of the worst body odor I have ever smelled. Do they have body odor like that when they are in their home countries?, dam_n, it would knock the buzzards off a manure cart. They are usually the ones that sit two to a computer and talk real loud. Hey, I like a good order of french fried, myself, but some of them smell like they used their GFs "sanitary towel" to wipe their rear ends, then used it as a towel to dry off, if in fact they ever do take showers. I noticed some of our fiends from "the Fatherland" have similar issues. It's 5-10 degrees cooler than it was a few months ago, and the BO problem seems to be twice as bad. A lot of them seem to be suffering from anemia and bad coughs, too. It must be the high season, again. The colored socks and tank-tops are back. Did that tattoo really cost more than your net worth?

  2. They must be purchased 7 days in advance, too. I just used www.nokair.com. They were only available n the morning flight, which is ok, not too early, and thee were none the following day. Do bags fly free on Nok? BTW, I've had extremely good luck with AirAsia, but I'm always willing to check out the competition. Since I have a few days in BKK before I need to get to Suvarnabhumi; I am a little happier going to Don Muang, where I can cut across the parking lot and catch the public bus to Mo Chit, or a regular taxi, and not have to pay the extra 50 they tack on at the airport cab stand. It's good to travel light.

  3. BAZMLB,

    Thanks Man! I just got my ticket for BKK, where I will continue on to the USA. 1290 bottom line--I have easily saved that much this trip by using the Aeon ATMs and not paying the 150 fee. Chalk one up for the good guys. What comes around............Good Karma is worth a lot.

    I've heard there are lots of nice girls in BKK. I will have 60 hours to check it out.

  4. Song Mueng? No way Jose. But, since I can't afford to go, please ask them if the two large dogs (one black, one off white) that are allowed to roam the streets near the old aiport are a part of thai culture. They both have tried to bite me. They're out there sleeping in someones business during the day, and at night they form a pack.

  5. Don't get extorted on Turkey. You can have it every day in the States. Eat some chicken breast, and donate the 2000 Thb you are saving to a worthwhile charity. That would be true American spirit. Might teach your bratty kids a lesson that will carry over to Christmas. Half of the World lives on less than 2 Dollars per day, 2 billion people in homes made of bamboo.

  6. I don't even think it is real butter. Hydrogenated Vegetable protein or something like that. I will look into it.

    They do have an interesting website: www.butterball.com

    I went to school in Rockingham County, Virginia, number 1 in the World in Turkey production on some years. I prefer Shadybrook.

  7. It's amusing to see people drive their cars up roads that are already clearly impassible.

    It's too crowded for me. But I will go early and get some 10 THB PAD thai or some skewered pock for 5 thb each. It's mobbed by 8 pm. Sometimes it seems like a convention of people that don't know how to share a sidewalk or are inconsiderate of others. Blocking 40 people to take a photo of a fruit cart, pushing their baby,s stroller right at you, etc....Too many young kids, but I guess they get bored with Number 1 Bar after a while.

  8. I stayed at the Boomrumbung GH for 200 per night. Wouldn't recommend it, but it worked for me. No TV, it does have hotshower. Towels smelled like they had been used to give dogs baths, which is a possiblity, since it appears they have some caged dogs up front. The people were very nice, not one single problem. It's backed up to the bars, so there was a nightly CCR rendition that ended about 12, which was fine. If I walked from Jet Yod to the new clock and turned left, and went about 100 meters on the left, my favorite noodle shop of all time. The hot sauce is almost entiely seeds. The rectanglar tables, not the rfound ones. Keep going another 300 meters just past Face Bar, cross the street and there are two very fast, very clean Internet shops for 10 THB per hour. Lots of students after school, but during the day I had the place to myself. Just put on the headphones while the gamers are going at it. Across from the TOT IT school. They were charging 40 per hour on Jet Yod. My favorite bar was on the road that takes you to the airport park, about 150 meters before it end, on the left. Had live music, and A BEER PROMOTION, 3 Leo yai for 139 THB. Very cold, too. Nice waitresses, good food. Have yet to find a decent place on Jet Yod Rd. 60 for a small? Not when I'm paying 43 for large Tiger in CM, and that's not in the farang area, either.

    I would like to see Chiang Rai address the soi dog problem, but that problay won't come until the rabies does (like Bali). Chiang Rai is going to be too small and boring for many, but I really like it, and would consider living there.

  9. I went two weeks ago; and they took my 2008 USD 10. They negged me a couple of years ago because it had about a one mm stray mark on it. It was an older, grumpy guy that negged me. This time, there were three or four in the office, and they were more cheerful than usual (not saying much). I didn't mention anything about all the fake goods or the mass murder of civilians.

  10. I've been considering purchasing a unit there. IMO, it is a great location, the pool is clean, the fees are reasonable, it has a good design.....Here is my only reservation--I noticed some large horizontal cracks going across the front of the building on the upper floors. I am not an engineer, but this has raised a red flag with me. Have any of you all noticed this? Heard rumors? I've practically been knocked out of my chair by an earthquake in Chiang Mai, and I would imagine they are worse in Chiang Rai. Any thoughts, comments, criticism would be appreciated. Good luck to everyone. I had a really relaxing week in Chiang Rai. It's just a little bit easier to get across the soi up there, and I did find Tops number II on Utratit, with the Aeon outside, so hooray, no ATM Fee.

  11. The Sawasdee Smile Inn at Khoa San Rd. area, has a sign in the room, if you stain the sheet; you must pay 300 THB. So I guess they get a set for less than 600 THB. But, they were definitely an uncomfortable blend. As far as the cotton at Worrorat, I doubt it, but would like to have a look. You couldn't find 100% cotton socks here if your lives depended on it.

  12. Has anyone else noticed this? Countless people walking around with a patch on one eye. This must just be more motorbike insanity. I've heard McCormick Hospital has an excellent Ophthalmology Department, but why not just wear a face shield. Maybe I "juz doan unerstan thai culcha," but if I were a physician, I sure as hel_l would get tired of treating unnecessary eye injuries, and injuries to kids that had no choice in the matter.

  13. You could live off the cost of operating a car, which would be about 25,000 per month including everything. Living in a central area is the way to go. I pay 230 per night for a real hotel, with cable TV, CCTV, front desk, etc....I near Chinatown, but can walk almost anywhere, or use red taxis for 20 thb.

  14. Pure cotton is very expensive here, as is stainless steel cookware. Both good items to bring from the US. I've never seen a tailor shop with pure cotton, and most of their 100% wool is actually a blend. I quit buying stuff from them after my first visit, 12 years ago. I paid 20 US for a 100% queen cotton set at Macy's three years ago, it was normally 60 USD. From Krygikistan. It is so much better than poly blends, when you are trying to make it without a/c. The list of items cheaper in the US grows every day. Wine, cheese, electronics, cotton, stainless steel...............

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  15. Americans don't understand good food, probably comes from not having a national cuisine of their own.

    I said this to a Chiang Mai bookshop owner once and he became quite irate and said I should try the Chinese food in San Francisco, the Mexican food in Texas and the pizzas in Noo Yawk before I made that sort of comment. :rolleyes:

    The State of California produces more food than any country in the EU, or Australia, or the entire continenet of Africa. I live in Arizona and 5,000,000,000

    Kg of frsh produce enters America through our port, much of it winds up in Canada. 5 THB for a Kg of oranges a few years ago. Limes (big ones) were 40 for a Dollar. USDA Choice Sirloin for 100 THB per Kg. French wine is 3 Dollars per bottle, but I prefer California wine at a similar price. The US is the World's leader in every aspect of eating. From seed to sanitation. Sorry for the rant....

    Regarding WCH, let me throw in my two pesos. Sparkling clean restrooms, looks like a great place to take a date. The beer was cold, the french fries looked good--not those cheap shoestring ones that most places serve and sell for 20 thb per Kg in the States. The owner is a gentlemen, as he demonstrated here.

    IMO, his prices are too high. The pizzas are cooked in a wood oven, and that can be extra tricky to get right. I don't get excited about Western food here. I have a McDonalds about 200 meters from my townhouse in The States, and I have been in there one time in the last year, and that was to get a cup of coffee to go with my 16 USD per liter bottle of Jameson I buy at the Duty free store on the Mexican border. My cholesterol was 167 last month and that even got a thumbs up from a Thai Nurse. Not bad for someone, who used to live on a cattle ranch. Cheese, sausage (many seem to look like hot dogs), and hamburgers don't get me real excited, and especially when it is double the price of what I pay back home. I do wish Barry best of luck.

  16. No apology needed. Jump right in. So the food is shyt. Would you go back for drinking?:burp:

    Debatable. The atmosphere is distinctly average and parking is a bit of a nightmare.

    3 Tigers for 129 and you're driving? Did you consider parking at Kad San Gow, or is 700 meters too far?

  17. I don't have a problem with people of any faith doing selfless work to help other people. I have a big problem with self-proscribed 'messengers' from God receiving more money in a month for doing their God's work than the people they are preaching to earn in a lifetime. Did these Christians read the parable where Jesus distributed the loaves and fish EQUALLY? Big houses, two-car families, private schools for their children, servants to clean their dirt, cooks to make their food, Duke's to serve them 1,000 baht meals. It is hypocrisy and moral corruption to an extreme. No wonder their God has punished them.

    4000 missionairies in CM. How many are in Lamphun, Lampang, and Phrae combined? I would like to know, but I would say a lot closer to 100 than 4000. And it does bug the shiite out of me that they aare sponsored from their church congregations to live in a country club environment and shop at Rim Ping Market, and drive SUVs. Most would be living in something more like a trailer park back in the States.

  18. Chiang Rai's a wonderful place.

    Every time I visit, go down to the park north end of town by the municipal offices, with the huge old growth trees near the river....I say this could be it for me.

    Problem is simple inertia- I have a very nice apt in a decent neighborhood. But the traffic, constant new construction and attendant noise are starting to get to me here in CM.

    Chiang Rai has the same smoke problem as CM in the burning season- maybe even a little worse.

    It has Tops, Makro and other major retail outlets.

    For food/restaurant scene, it is nowhere near CM yet, but slowly developing.

    Hospitals- OK but nothing like what is available in CM for advanced medical care.

    Nice little expat community, many of whom are on the Thai Visa Chiang Rai sub-forum.

    To me, it seems an ideal place to move to, if and when CM becomes just too popular for its own good.

    Which it is slowly getting, IMHO.


    A very reasonable assessment. It's a little like the situation where I grew up. Houses used to cost 20,000 US. Now they cost 400,000 US. Would you like to take a guess as to when the schools were better, there was less crime, lower taxes, less traffic/pollution? Cities work in cycles. The sheep get slaughtered, just like those in America that waited until the housing boom had been on for 6 years and finally bought. The late comers get slaughtered the worst.

  19. He just cant help but to insist that a bar is losing at least 93 baht a case on beer.:whistling:

    Lots of bars do that. The beer is not very cold. Would you like to buy some ice?

    A) It's been there for at least four years, which is about three years longer than most bars last that charge 100 each.

    B) The beers are rotated in and out of a freezer, and last time I checked the temp was at -5.9c.

    C) They will also give them to you one at a time, if you sit at the bar.

    Have you ever considered that there may be a beer/price war going on?

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