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Posts posted by Thighlander

  1. Loan lawyer the money. They buy in their name. They will give you a will saying if they die, you will inherit the house ( and have a limited time to liquidate), you will get a prepaid 30 year lease at a rate as low as the land office will allow. In my case it was 500,000 for 30 years. You will pay 1% tax on that in addition to other transfer fees. My lawyer now works for sunbelt. I paid her about 10,000 to buy, and about 12,000 to sell. Setting up a company is for developers. I probably would not do it again, but would buy a condo. House prices have been flat in CNX for years. I bought from a thai couple, and lowballed, they had been transferred. Otherwise I would have lost money when I sold. The thais aren't going to buy a house from a farang.

  2. I went into a travel agent at the moat. She said 300 to KSR. The next place I checked said 850 and that the 300 people will steal your stuff. I went with the 300, that leaves PTT across the street from Central Airport. A mini-van picked me up and took me there. It was less than 10 hours. My possessions were locked in a cage underneath, where no one could tamper. The drivers were super professional and safe. I am a licensed school bus driver in America. It was 2 x 2 across. The only one I know that is 1 x 2 is green vip to Chiang Rai. If it had been full and I had to sit next to the OP; it would have been cramped. Still, way more room than economy class on a jet. I will give them an "A". KSR is a filthy dump. However, if you walk three blocks away, there are nice clean, wide sidewalks, and many ways to travel. I actually saw a dog on a leash for the first time in Thailand. I was one of three farangs at the Royal Turf Club yesterday (out of 15,000). It was great. Unfortunately, my horse "Line of Gold" finished fourth.

  3. Hey, I'm with you guys/gals all the way. The reason that I will retire at 50 is because I know how to get good deals. Been buying property in America for about 20 cents on the Dollar.

    I was talking to a couple of thais the other night at a chicken stand. I told them, that my thai partner and I were looking for a Townhouse here. I said under 600,000 THB. She laughed in my face while rudely pointing at me. But, in reality, there were probably zero Thais with that kind of cash within a kilometer.

    Here is a CC Tip. If you have the overnight layover for 6 hours at Suvarnbhumi; take the free shuttle to the bus terminal, where there is a mini-mart and a park. I was able to get my mobile phone going, called home, and had a few beers in a grassy area. Then took the free shuttle back at 5am for the first flight to CNX.

    It beats the hel_l out of airport bars.

    I'm a big fan of Aeon, too. Works like a champ. Thanks to the TV members for pointing that out to me.

    • Like 1
  4. I saw four farangs doing renovation work yesterday, near the UN Cafe. Looks like they are getting ready to open some type of business. They are a good example of what not to do. Their first "visit" may only be hours away. You can get thai labor for 200 thb per day; why on earth would one be engaging in manual labor soo close to the police station? I would be extremely surprised if they a) have work permits B) have registered their company c) have ever run a successful business in their own country.

    "I would be extremely surprised if they a) have work permits B) have registered their company c) have ever run a successful business in their own country."

    This is just pure speculation on your part. Mind your own business anyway.

    SO they have 16 Thais on the payroll, and are doing all the dirty work themselves?

    How fair is that to the competitors, who are above the table?

    Just how much coffee can a place sell, when it is generally hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk?

  5. There is a shrink at Dr. Panu Clinic, located right off Thapae Rd., near the 7-11. The treat all sorts of mental health issues. Consultation is free, meds are very reasonable.

    I was standing outside of the Warfield Theatre in SF back in 1990. A homeless man jumped in front of a very large CalTrans Dump Truck. I saw the brains on the street. Some things you can't forget.

  6. Bloomberg is no longer on WeTV, Chiang Mai. It is a free to air channel, so I don't know what the deal is. You can just watch it with broadband, as mentioned earlier. Also, you can watch CNBC online for 9.95 per month USD. Bloomberg is much more balanced, and you rarely see Mike the Midget.

  7. I did verify that Tigers are 620 for a case of large bottles. That's 51.67 per bottle. This was at a major seller near CNX Gate. So 43 each is an incredibly good deal. There is another place in the same vicinity near Grace Dental that sells three large for 159; they don't open until 6.

  8. I saw four farangs doing renovation work yesterday, near the UN Cafe. Looks like they are getting ready to open some type of business. They are a good example of what not to do. Their first "visit" may only be hours away. You can get thai labor for 200 thb per day; why on earth would one be engaging in manual labor soo close to the police station? I would be extremely surprised if they a) have work permits B) have registered their company c) have ever run a successful business in their own country.

  9. post-37570-047636500 1284971308_thumb.jpI really liked the ambiance and cleanliness of Galee Thong. However, 1) they are at the limits of their foreign quota. 2) it is too close to the river.....3) some of the units are exposed to noise from Karaokee until 2 am+.

    I was looking at Chom Doi #1, yesterday. Anyone have the inside story on it?

    I bought 2 condos in the US last year. 26 cents and 16 cents on the Dollar from their previous sale prices. The one in Summerlin Nevada was sold for 55% more, 8 months later. You know how Warren Buffet talks about blood in the streets....

    This is what a nice sidewalk looks like in case you've been here for a long time, and haven't seen one.

  10. Monday thru Friday, three large Tiger for 129 THB. At the Dayli. Sundays were three Leo for 129, and three large Heineken for 219 THB. I've been real happy with Tiger. They open at 5 pm. I'm not sure about the sliced hot dogs, but if you're not careful you will get instant noodles. Some of their dishes are excellent.

  11. I got the impression that sales figures are inflated too. Realtors favorite trick is to create "a sense of urgency." I was talking to a realtor today, who said things are kind of stagnant right now. Sellers are asking too much, and buyers are getting creamed by this currency situation.

    He seemed to think that deals could be had on Nimanhimen, because of parking trouble and horrible traffic. I did look at a nice condo in Chiang Rai that was priced at 450,000 for 35 sm. CNX feels real homey to me though--it's really hard to beat.

  12. For a check-up on a budget may I suggest CBC for 130 THB, Urine exam for 90 THB, and LDL, HDL, Tryglicerides for 430 THB. They say that is a leading indicator of heart disease. The lab prices seem to be fixed by the government, as the two different labs I have used charged identical prices. Just walk into the outpatient services area. They have always been very nice to me, and offered to Email me the results. They had a concert pianist in the lobby at McCormick Hospital.

    You can get a free HIV exam and Hep B,C by donating blood at the Red Cross. You will also be showing the Thais, that some foreigners are thoughtful.

  13. No degree = 20k-25k

    Degree + TEFL = 25-30k as an ESL teacher, 30-35k as a specialist teacher in an English Program.

    Degree + Home country teaching credentials + experience = 45k+ in an international school.

    Someone who's home country qualified but with no experience would probably end up in the EPs on 35k+

    I'm in the 45k+ bracket and could easily work in Bangkok for an extra 30-60k/month, but then I'd have to live in BKK. 120k would compete at the lower end of the global scale.

    I choose the lifestyle over the money, for now.

    I think many overexaggerate the rates in Thailand- for what reason I have no idea- Public schools will never ever pay you to 35K bt, they simply do not have the budget. I know of teachers being paid from 15-20K bt in Public schools. In fact all Uni's have a standard fee of 18K + allowance for house.

    You do not get 60k bt more in BKK than anywhere else in Thailand.

    Dependant on the school, what you negoitate, your education, ability and primarily if you are any good in the long run.

    International schools are but a dream salary for most- you need to know someone in the skills and have a lot of experience and education.

    Due to threads like this most teachers feel they are undervalued and move on only to find they cannot get much better. Expect 20K bt from Public school- bottom yet pain in butt. EP (Private) more qualifications to verify and you can get 30K bt- 10K more in BKK- yet BKK is 10K bt more to live. Elite International school are a different story, yet I heard of unbelieveable salaries being paid- yet usually to Directors.

    Like it or not teachers get only enough to live in Thailand OKish- go to South Korea, HK, SG or Japan within Asia if wish to live modest yet save $20000 odd US pa.

    As much as people will not wish to hear this- Thailand is a stepping stone of experience for most whom want a career in teaching. Others it simply a hobby, as these expats have funds from elsewhere. Teaching not their profession.

    I partnered in a school here in North Thai several years ago- the thing that stuck me was the supposed amazing amount of Master degree qualified FARANGs, or even PHD. Nearly every single time I followed this up they were committing fraud and they were faked. Which carries some tough sentences in Thai, if autorities notified... Plus fraudelent degrees that the OP was alluding to has been found when people apply for WP- only to be in serious trouble when the Educational Department sees they are falsified. Not worth the risk OP...

    School Directors do notify the Education Department and department of labour. So be careful OP- many try to allude to whether it worth the risk. I can tell you- no it is not worth it for the few bucks you get in Thailand.

    Think again before having that fake degree made up in BKK- the penalties are hard. Deportation and big fines- some may simply ask for a pay off not to inform the authorities, as it is Thailand after all.

    Do it the correct way- even if you have no degree... Get a TEFL then apply and you will be hired if they like you and you look around hard enough. Directors are forgiving of not finishing degrees if you prove you will be a large asset to the Private school. You have assets that prove you may stay longer than the average, or you willing to work that bit harder.

    Ultimately Directors think of the money- if parents of students like you and you look to be attracting more into the school then you will be in demand- Private and International it the bottom line. Internationals and good private schools have typically bigger reputations to protect thus firmer checks.

    Yet I could find out within minutes if a potential employee had faked degrees, etc. Fax the authority to the school, they release whether they ever been a student and their transcript.

    Most schools and Uni's will release without the need for you to sign off on authority. Often when I asked someone to sign off on authority to release results then they would disappear, as some Uni's require it, not many. I knew they would be looking elsewhere, so no choice than to notify Thai Department of Education and labour regarding their details.

    Ï've noticed the job offers have thinned out since I added "will not work illegally" to my resume. As soon as people start being firm on the paperwork; the better it will be for everyone; especially the students.

  14. I went to Mad Dog;s today around diner time. The restaurant & bar sort of reminded me of John's Place except that the clientele is older and the food is more British. I thought that the food was OK for Thailand but founnd I it a bit spooky that that there were so many old men sitting around the bar neither looking to the left nor to the right, and talking to no one.

    You took the words out of my mouth. I've walked by there several hundred times. It DOES appear to be grumpy old men. Rarely are there any female customers in there. It does look clean and neat, but does not look inviting to me. I am a regular at John's, and even John is pushing his luck with the latest price increases. Even with my VIP card; it is still a little high compared with other Thai places; Daret's (large LEO 50 THB), Dayli (3 for 140). I've been one of twenty people in John's and I have never seen the new place across the street with more customers, than employees.

    I also visited that other Aussie Bar, sort of behind MDs. Beer not cold enough, and a worker's child or two running around coughing everywhere.

    As for all the hype about the Breakfast, I would say if it actually has sausages, instead of sliced hot dogs, it is a step ahead of most other places.

    I would recommend the 430 THB Cholesterol exam at McCormick Hospital.

  15. There were tremendous mountain views from the 7th floor condo I looked at. It's a valley. But...The tourist area is about as raunchy as it gets. Makes Thapae Gate look 100% pleasant. I got a room for 200, it seemed like I was the only guest. I did find laundry for 20 thb per Kg, and they did a great job. Internet is mostly 30 per hour, sometimes 40. Tons of shops selling things the Thais would never, ever buy (especially at those prices). I like massage, and have nothing against massage shops--but there are 20 times too many. They seem to have cleverly set the price at 200 per hour (fixed), but the only "customers" seemed to be farang owners sitting in front of their (girlfriend's) shops. I did discover the area near the old airport, which is now a great place to excercise. There were also some shops with plastic chairs, where one could sit and drink a few at 7-11 prices and meet some Thais. I also went to two restaurants in that area. The fishing place wasn't too good, but there was another place around the corner, where I was the only farang. The squid salad was perfect, and the waitress (an accounting major) was a trophy. What's funny is at both places my bill was less than expected. No arguements here.

    I probably should have posted in the Chiang Rai forum, but didn't want to start a battle with some folks, who are clearly desperate.

  16. I just returned from a few days in Chiang Rai. The only thing worse than having sky high prices; is being too sensitive about it. I've almost decided that if there are no prices posted out front; It's not worth going in. I didn't come half way around the World to help some farang with his bad real estate investments in the States. Most of the farang owned businesses in Chiang Rai were empty, as of yesterday. Should be a good lesson to business owners in CNX--how not to run one.

  17. Hi folks,

    I am happily returning to visit Chiang Rai in a couple of days. I will be on the Green Bus from Chiang Mai. Is there a new bus station, and if so, will my bus go there?

    Also, if anyone has a low cost guest house recommendation; I would appreciate it. I've been paying 250 in CNX, and have the needed A/C. I will consider no a/c up there. Bloomberg TV would be very helpful to me. Thanks.

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