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  1. Kulaya Tantitemit has set a target for the revenue department to collect 2.372 trillion baht in 2025 and expects to hit that by charging foreigners (residing in Thailand for more than 180 days per year) a personal income tax on their worldwide income. And now this guy Pichai Chunhavajira, the finance minister, wants to lower tax rates. As usual, no clear direction from the people working together in government.
  2. I just contacted Mrs. Colin Neville in Dorset and sent her links to the posts for confirmation. She wrote back immediately and confirmed that Colin is a Thai ladyboy lover and that he had used his fine skills in electronics to develop the ultimate vibrating butt plug. Apparently he has already earned millions of quid in royalties from his ground breaking invention. But she said the sad news is that recently her beloved Colin had run off with all his money and a guy named Bob (aka Barbara) Smith from Nobbingham and they are now off living somewhere in Spain together, boozing it up and going out on ladyboy patrol on a daily. Her exact plea to me was: "Please bring my beloved Colin back to me. I promise never to shout at him again the next time I catch him rogering the gardener in the pool shed".
  3. He was a big muscular guy before. Wrestler. Looked like a tough guy. Is he now dressing with women's eyeglass frames, a pearl necklace, and wearing a woman's low-neck blouse?
  4. He was in Blade Runner 2049. A masterful first scene with Ryan Gosling. He was also in both of the recent Dune movies. He was in Spectre, a 2015 Bond film. He's very prolific as well. He's been involved in a total of about 350 film or television projects. He was also a WWE Wrestler before. He's good as an actor.
  5. His size, his appearance, his style of dressing, everything has changed. Hardly recognize him anymore. And he looks more aged, but he's only 55. I'm trying to figure out what's really going on here. Is he trying to look like a woman or is that just an awkward moment with how the camera happened to catch him? I'm a bit puzzled. Is he trying to send us a message about his new found feminism?
  6. That's a fair question. But I think the OP was speaking to the people who still have a regular need.
  7. How does that work? Do you really believe you can get a dog to lick anything by putting peanut butter on it? Never mind, I don't want to know.
  8. I don't know what sort of CBD dose you're taking, but from my perspective, I took the standard dose, on a few different occasions in fact, and I believe that it just doesn't work for sleep. I am also of the belief that if something doesn't work to begin with, then it doesn't matter how much more of it you take, the outcome will still be the same. But as I said, if you find that a large dose of CBD oil helps you sleep, then go for it. I want to add the fact that CBD oil is not a regulated industry in Thailand. So there is also no way of knowing how much CBD (if any) is actually contained in any commercial source of the oil you are buying.
  9. I took a standard 30MG dose of what appears to be a good quality commercial brand of CBD oil made in Thailand. Anyway, I guess there is no winning this debate because there are two different camps on it. So if it works for you then great and do continue with it. 👍🏼
  10. I was wondering in general if there is any particular old age when it is said that using cannabis poses more of a risk to health than a benefit? I realize this might be a broad topic, and perhaps a separate thread about it would be better, but just wondering if the dangers, if we continue to use it regularly as we age, are more based on one's own personal heart health or is there a general age when it is advised to just stop? By the way, when I talk about continuing to use it as you get old, I am referring to full spectrum cannabis containing both CBD and THC and in ways that do not involve smoking it. So that would remove any possible pulmonary health risks from the equation. But having said that, for people who do smoke it often, then I assume COPD becomes a greater risk with age for old people in general?
  11. I see many people continuing to talk about CBD as a sleep aid. It isn't. Many people have already said that. I too tried it as such and it didn't help me with sleep either. And one of the people with the most knowledge on this site (and in the excerpt above) also said clearly that it is not a sleep aid and any notion from someone claiming that it does help them sleep is experiencing a placebo effect.
  12. Always winning: “Let me tell you, folks, nobody gets indicted like I do. This is the most tremendous indictment, maybe in the history of indictments. Everybody’s saying it, all the best people, believe me. They’re calling it the most incredible bigly indictment they’ve ever seen. It’s a beautiful indictment, a terrific indictment and you know what? It’s only happening because I’m fighting for you. They wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t winning so big. They know it, I know it, everybody knows it. It’s a badge of honor, folks, a real badge of honor. And let me tell you, it's an indictment, the likes of which the world has never seen before. Covfefe 2024!"
  13. Always winning: “Let me tell you, folks, nobody gets indicted like I do. This is the most tremendous indictment, maybe in the history of indictments. Everybody’s saying it, all the best people, believe me. They’re calling it the most incredible indictment they’ve ever seen. It’s a big, beautiful indictment, and you know what? It’s only happening because I’m fighting for you. They wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t winning so big. They know it, I know it, everybody knows it. It’s a badge of honor, folks, a real badge of honor. And let me tell you, it's an indictment, the likes of which the world has never seen before.”
  14. Whatever. It’s politics. That’s how they do.
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