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  1. Because my Thai sex worker girlfriend loves to blow money, I got a 1,000 Baht note tattooed onto my cock. Best decision I ever made!
  2. You won't get many responses on this topic because many of the old members on AN have Thai wives with nose implants and they don't want appear judgmental of their own wives on this topic.
  3. Those are all Trump voters. Normal Americans don't get tattoos.
  4. Could never work out why any Westerner from a developed country would want to live in that turlet unless they're a sex pest or somebody like Ron Jeremy or Steven Seagal.
  5. Perhaps the attackers were speaking German and the Israeli victim recognizes German because his older family members still speak German in Israel.
  6. Ok, “the Zoroastrianism guy”. Done.
  7. Pointing out antisemitism isn’t wokey. But wokey is a MAGAT phrase?
  8. There were 4 Germans and 1 Israeli. Calling him "the Jewish guy" in this situation is antisemitic. Do people call you "the Christian guy"? Also, suggesting that "the Jewish guy" wants financial compensation is added insult to injury.
  9. Is that the best idea for a swish location that you could come up with? Couldn't imagine ever wanting to sit there. But that's just me. Why the obsession with trying to brag about finding weed even cheaper? It's down to $1 per gram already for decent buds. It cost even more than that 40 years ago when it was highly illegal. The price in Thailand has already dropped to about one-tenth of what it costs in other countries, making further reductions seem almost irrelevant. For the price of a single night out drinking in Bangkok, you can easily buy enough smoke to stay stoned every day for a month or two. Even if the price were to drop another 50%, would it really make much of a difference at this point?
  10. Wow, look at that fragile ego go. 🤩 😂
  11. Cut them up and make senior adult reusable diapers out of them. Then send them off to Trump as a gift. He will be forever grateful.
  12. Seven pages of anecdotal, subjective opinions about Thai women from men who’ve mostly only been with a handful. Suddenly, everyone’s an expert on the subject just because they’ve had a few encounters. Honestly, it’s exhausting.
  13. Whose erection is low? Mine is fine. I'll show it to you if you don't believe me! Give me a break!
  14. An algorithm trained on a vast corpus of text, including books, academic papers, Wikipedia, online forums, and other resources, amounting to hundreds of gigabytes of data and representing millions of books and articles, should be well-equipped to assess your writing accurately. In this case, I would say that it's assessment nailed it.
  15. You didn't want to accept my opinion about your posts as being a meaningful critique, so I provided you an analysis by an unbiased expert on the subject of literature and discourse. “Read ’em and weep” as they say.

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