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  1. I treat MSNBC and CNN like feces: It's just not something I'm interested to go near. But by all means, enjoy your meal.
  2. MSNBC? You must be joking. They are not a reliable source for anything. Go back and find a real source.
  3. And you no doubt have a link to that confession, right?
  4. Dang tootin. It's a good thing we have such dedicated truth tellers in government, media and academia. The would never lie.
  5. You are most likely right. Well, probably not Joe himself but, rather, Jill. Still, you have to admit, it was one extremely well crafted and precisely aimed dukie to dump on the party that wouldn't let him die on the field. Joe always was one for building back better LOL,
  6. I think what you really don't like about this and the others you have seen is that they are true. Nothing said in that video is false. If there was something untrue, we can be sure that you and your ilk would be screeching about it.
  7. Indeed, nothing threatens democracy like democratic elections!!
  8. For nearly four years, the country and the world have been asking the same question: Who is running the country? It sure wasn't Joe who could barely read a teleprompter and simply turned his back and walked away when reporters tried to ask questions. That question still remains unanswered. Ignoring the farcical election outcome of 2020 and bogus insurrection, only a power lurking in the administrative bureaucracy would have been able to accomplish things like the following: FBI misleading Congress about the dubious Steele dossier which set the stage for relentless attacks on his presidency. Hunter Biden laptop story with 51 former intelligence officials publicly denouncing it as Russian disinformation which was blatant election interference. Massive censorship during COVID-19 as part of a much broader pattern of censorship, manipulation and outright lying. The relentless and groundless pursuit to impeach Trump for nothing except being Trump. Endless lawfare against Trump in multiple states intended to drain his resources, distract his campaign, and tarnish his reputation. During critical moments, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin disappeared from public view for a week. Not even Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks knew where he was. In fact, she was on vacation in the the Caribbean at the time. And neither Joe nor Kamala knew were even aware of their absenses. Wow, talk about useless people!! The Executive Branch has been turned into a flaccid laughing stock while some cabal behind the scenes is pulling the countries strings. Kamala does not have the anatomy to be flaccid, but ineffectual does not even come close to how worthless she would be as president. These people need to be crowbarred out of the levers of power. Trump and his team can at least take a couple of steps in the right direction for this purpose. Here's a link to the story that provided fodder for my posting: https://amgreatness.com/2024/09/18/are-the-white-house-and-pentagon-controlled-by-a-shadowy-few/ OK wokies, start calling me names and making your usual silly third grade comments.
  9. Sheesh, what does that even mean?
  10. It really shows how much work Trump, Vance, RFK Jr. and Tulsi have to do.
  11. Note, this is obviously not real. Still, it's good entertainment.
  12. I don't agree, not entirely at least. Many, if not most, have had girlfriends and wives, and that is exactly why they have decided to look elsewhere. Western women are just too disagreeable to be around. The small number that are actually attractive are far too entitled and unattainable for 90% of men. The rest really don't bring much to a relationship either. A woman with a triple digit body count can't bond with a man and is probably sporting a petri dish of germs and fungi. Shameless women do not make good partners.
  13. This is a great comment.
  14. They are incapable of being objective. It's part of what being a modern "democrat" is all about.
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