The debate didnt even bring up any issues that i care about. Why would i care about who got one upped? The country looks like its headed towards europe and sharia law one way or another
Whatever you want to call them, yes. They control everything, they might even control the election results. Our votes might mean as much now as thai people voting as far as im concerned
Anyone normal here is not so much pro trump as they are pro common sense. The west is too liberal and thus falling apart. If voting for trump is what the countrys elite are scared of then that is what has to be done
Youre not American so you dont understand the two major issues in America right now, inflation and illegal immigration. They purposely didnt discuss these things because its too damaging to the left
“As a bipartisan with no conflicting interest i hope that trump gets assassinated for real this time”.
its like people dont think before they type here
And people watching the debate can decide for themselves. People who follow the MSM were going to vote for kamala anyways because they cant think for themselves