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Everything posted by SLOWHAND225

  1. Nobody but you is talking about falsified records. What you said is factual in that regard. The rest of your post, not so much. Not at all actually. What the guy i was talking to said was thats Trumps convicted of sexual assault which is a fabrication at best. He wasn't. As for your last paragraph, are you like 3 yrs old ? Lol
  2. Your post are always full of inaccurate and embellished. Tapes, you mean the one where he told Billy, grab them by the p_ssy ? Nothing illegal about that. 5 Bankruptcies, thats covered in business 102, you should read it sometime. Nothing illegal about that either. 5 deferments, so what if he met the requirements. Nothing illegal about that either 10 yr friendship with Epstein, quite a bit of an exaggeration there. They were not close friends, did a little business and then Trump went his own way because he said "the guys weird". I've been friends with two people who were murderers, doesn't make me guilty of murder and it doesn't make Trump a pedo. Multiple guilty verdicts for sexual assault. Try only one and it was for sexual abuse, very, very different thing AND it was a civil trial, NOT a criminal trial. If you read the transcripts with half an open mind you can see what a joke it was. You're easily one of the least reputable posters on here because you continually make things up and don't seem to care that none of what you post is factual at all.
  3. My wife is black and Thai's treat her extraordinarily well here. They treat her like a rockstar, stoping her to take picture, talk and they want to touch her skin and hair. Many of them have never seen a black woman in person. She's also put in the time to learn their language. Now if we could only get her Visa sorted. lol
  4. Lockdowns didn't cause inflation. Printing billions of dollars and giving it away did.
  5. Thats a liberals go to move. Can't verbalize their position so out come the insults.
  6. Common sense, you clearly don't have any. Nobody but you said anything about legality or authorization of anything. What i said origionally to the person i quoted was that I could find almost all the information listed on a tax return with nothing more than a few pieces of basic information. A dl was just one of them. Point being that a tax return and it's information is not private or safe. So the wringing of hands about musk or anyone else seeing them was just for show.
  7. Again, you're a legend in your own mind. Again, nobody but you is talking about the things you're talking about. Again, you have issues with reading comprehension. Again, propaganda and talking points are all you have.
  8. No kidding ? You're feelings are getting in the way of you using your brain. I said theres nothing on your IRS return that can't be found easily. Using a vehicle lic. number is only one of the things used to find that info. You can't be that dumb. What does the legality of that action have to do with this conversation ? It doesn't
  9. You're correct. I couldn't anymore but I have several friends that still can. DM me you're full name and the last state you lived in or you're last street address or any address that you've lived at for that matter or a vehicle license number. Its scary what can be found.
  10. The only sucker here is you, you should ask for a refund on the money spent on your education if thats all you got from that post. Maybe simple english is difficult for you, I have no idea. What I do know is its not possible to dumb it down any further for you. You have a habit of replying to posts and talking about things that nobody but you said. Reading your posts is just like watching just like watching a cnn edited video of an interview alongside the origional. Show me where I talked about immigrants raising prices, you can't because I didn't. Like most of your post you just make stuff up
  11. Theres not a single thing on your tax return that I can't find in 5 min. on the net with nothing more than some basic info. Thats just more hand wringing from the democraps and rinos
  12. Good, it can't happen fast enough. We've been taken advantage of by immigrants who don't come here to become American but to live just like they did in the rat holes they came from AND our own politicians for far too long. Time to close up shop and fix ourselves, nobody. America is almost always the first on scene to help others, know who helped up when the Carolinas and E.TN flooded ? How about the latest fires in Calif. ? Its easy, its the same exact countries, nobody. Exactly nobody came to help. There was a good bit of lip service but still, nobody came. We can't leave the UN and NATO soon enough. Luckily for us, we have the room and the resources to bring almost all manufacturing back inside our borders like it used to be.
  13. There will be nothing peaceful about it. Remember to always follow the money. This involves more money than we could ever even imagine Example, the War on Drugs. Its been a massive success, for those that are making money off it, it was monetized and will never go away. Our jails have become privatized, the courts send people to programs that benefit them directly, the cops all get their cut, think asset forfeiture. Same with DUI's and many other things
  14. I'm your huckleberry. Thats a horribly written article and short on useful information but lets start here, "The nuclear security officials who were laid off on Thursday HELPED oversee the nations stockpile of nuclear weapons." Couple of things come to mind; A) They were civilians, the US Military is still in charge and in place and very capable of handling it on their own. B) Fed. labor unions are involved. Its not uncommon to lay everyone off and bring back those that you do want. Its done all the time
  15. I'm a strict isolationist, I love the downsizing and closing/merging of Fed. departments. Its long over due. The corruption and theft that get revealed is just icing on the cake. Hopefully theres jail or hanging for those responsible. Place our military on both of our borders and keep the snowbacks out. Can't wait for Trump to pull our military and equipment home. Pile anything left up and burn it to the ground. Of course it will never happen like that but a guy can dream, right ? Love the sanctions if the American people can endure the pain thats going to come with it. We'll be better for it in the end, so long as that includes a heavy reduction in taxes. Enjoy the EO's but they don't mean a thing if bills don't pass both houses and get signed into law. Otherwise this is all just hot air
  16. Those are the same people that cry when the baht goes up in value against their home currency even 1/10 of a %
  17. Nobody in that region is our friend and they never have been so no loss there. Take away all the foreign aid and you'll really see it.
  18. Thats exactly how it is. No matter what side of the room you're on, there is no conversation to be had. Look at you, you made a dumb statement, knowing just how dumb it was because you just want to throw <deleted>e against the wall and see what sticks. You're not interested in an intelligent conversation at all.
  19. He's a traitor. He's been doing this long before he became president and he doesn't get off the hook because he aged out and has the mental capacity of a 4 yr old. He should be hung by the neck.
  20. Wood shingles haven't been done since the 70's Wood siding went out with the 70's too. Hardi board looks like wood but is cement. Sheetrock is actually fire rated and doesn't burn. The wind makes the heat from these fires is enough to melt steel, even your concrete walls wouldn't survive that. They wouldn't be in a high risk fire zone if the forestry practices had been followed. Its their own fault
  21. New one on me, how about some sources ? I personally dislike him but I don't believe that ^ is true FWIW, they ALL lie, they are two sides of the same coin
  22. 10000baht for an ounce ? lol. I pay that equivalent in usd for 1/4lb in the states and have for years. Aug/Sept. you can get a pound for 500 usd
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