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Hermes Live

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Everything posted by Hermes Live

  1. Well, well, well, it is very evident that expats and others do not have any clue about the Thai tax system as it applies to foreign income (some do most don't) but that is because the Thai tax office does not have one policy that gives the exact information and that information applies throughout Thailand, not province by province and is not subject to interpretation by the various Tax Offices. Really, is it that difficult.
  2. I was on 200mg of slow release Tramadol in Australia for about 10 years due to Fybromyalgia. I came to Thailand 3 years ago and the only thing I could get was just 50mg (not slow release) so I decided to not take anything. It did take me about 3 months to overcome the "addiction" but now all good. Tramadol is very useful if taken correctly. I still suffer pains but not all the time.
  3. The flood wont happen if the Government does its job and scrutinizing the import of goods for the quality.
  4. In my past, firm friendships were formed between people, male to male, female to female, it did not necessarily lead to single sex marriages. The world is going down the gurgler. Why complicate friendships by getting married and facing the inherent responsibilities brought on by same sex marriages. By all means stay in strong friendships and do what you want but do not flaunt your new found thrill. I'm not a prude by any means but respect reason for biological difference.
  5. Please stop spreading this bs. Musk did not use the Nazi salute, it was just a wave to the people in the audience. I do the same thing if I see a person I know in the distance.
  6. So what do you want, Government workers that are un-friendly to Trump? Who is to say the people Trump picks are not loyal to the Constitution.
  7. It is sad, some people should not be posting anything as they just want to be sarcastic to a post that is genuine and meant as a possible solution. So keep your fingers off the keyboard and let people with something informative to say make contributions.
  8. So what the hell was he doing with a grinder at his age? Ok maybe he is in very good health but even then....
  9. Actually we are in the middle of solar storms and that might interfere with the WiFi.
  10. Why is it important to move towards international drinking laws, what ever they might be. This is Thailand and keep it that way.
  11. So predictable, now that Trump won the elections all the whining leftists come out and try to discredit anything he does. Let me remind you Democrats that life has not been easy under your unhinged Government. Your achievements are, open borders, inflation, loss of hundreds of thousands of lives in wars aided by the US, politically motivated scam legal cases against Trump, lying about Joe Biden and his family about involvement in foreign financial deals. I think enough said.
  12. I thought that it became a law that pedestrians had the right of way at pedestrian crossings - maybe I am wrong?
  13. Russia does not have to interfere in the elections. The Democrats with their open border policy have done enough to sabotage the elections.
  14. You might be reluctant to vote for Trump but you must be completely insane to vote for the brain dead Harris. No answers to anything except to blame Trump for the last nearly four years, hello, it was Harris and Biden in charge. Further, if you count the number of lies being told, I think Harris would win. So if you are voting for Harris and the war machine, what else would you get, who knows.
  15. I would be careful quoting The Economist, known for its leftist views on all things. Where is the proof about Russia's involvement in the cyber attack in the US on the water system? In regard to all the other points mentioned in The Economist, of course they would blame Russia after all they are the enemy. I'm not supporting Russia but I am supporting unbiased reporting.
  16. The only solution is a visit to your cardiologist and be quick about it.
  17. The only people that are "children" are those that bother to question the meaning and timing of the gesture. You are only feeding the fire for another takeover and reputation of Thailand in the eyes of the world. Get a life and comment on issues that are important and relevant.
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