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Everything posted by BruceWayne
Anyway, since the UK army can't or won't defend UK boprders, are they just there to kill brown people cos some American or other politician commands them to? - is that the whole point or WHAT??? WHAT *EXACTLY* ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR??? At least Thai Army do a coup whenever the politicians get out of hand.
The Dangerous Prospect of RFK Jr.'s Influence on Global Health
BruceWayne replied to Social Media's topic in World News
They flouridate that <deleted> too https://truthaboutfluoride.com/does-perrier-water-have-fluoride/ 14 Dec 2019 ... According to the label of a Perrier water bottle, Perrier water contains 0.2 ppm of fluoride. Which is slightly worse than the other French ... Fluoride content of commercially-available bottled water in Bangkok, Thailand: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25426608/ Flouride is an interesting rabbit hole https://origins.osu.edu/article/toxic-treatment-fluorides-transformation-industrial-waste-public-health-miracle And yep, at risk of another ban, it was a rebranded flu - an excuse to pump new credit/money into our ponzi system and poisons into the unsuspecting (cos AI & automation = less need for humans). Imho of course. -
What’s more triggering? A veteran hearing a loud bang? Or us getting our tax bills that pay for all their fun adventures? Definitely the tax bills. I don’t even think loud bangs scare them, it’s a ploy to get free Oxy and reduced fees for boarding schools. Anyway, are they just there to kill brown people cos some American or other politician commands them to? - is that the whole point or WHAT??? WHAT *EXACTLY* ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR??? At least Thai Army do a coup whenever the politicians get out of hand. YOU / Your 'heroes' irl:
Too thick to answer the question so resort to whataboutery & insults. Classy 👍 C'mon someone, anyone: We've established that they either can't or won't defend the UK's borders. Great - might as well fire them and save taxpayers the money.. Only need a couple of hundred 'to protect our nuclear 'deterrent' (you actually think someone's gonna steal them?) but what about the rest of the 10s of thousands of expensive to run grifters in green? Are they just there to kill brown people cos some American or other politician commands them to? - is that the whole point or WHAT??? WHAT *EXACTLY* ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR??? At least Thai Army do a coup whenever the politicians get out of hand. UK army should grow a set or get a proper job imho.
So we've established that they either can't or won't defend the UK's borders. Great. Only need a couple of hundred 'to protect our nuclear 'deterrent' (you actually think someone's gonna steal them?) but what about the rest of the 10s of thousands of expensive to run grifters in green? Are they just there to kill brown people cos some American or other politician commands them to? - is that the whole point or WHAT??? WHAT *EXACTLY* ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR??? At least Thai Army do a coup whenever the politicians get out of hand. UK army should grow a set or get a proper job imho.
Expalin the answer then war pig: What's the point of UK taxpayers funding the armed forces if they can't even stop 10s of thousands of foreign Orcs invading every week on dinghys? Just kill brown people cos some American politicians say so - is that the whole point or WHAT??? WHAT ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR???
As a socialist you'll probably have worked this out but in case not... People who 'serve' in this system are NOT on your side. The DOUBLE CROSS SYSTEM, yes… The Forever War The Endless Dialectic The Continuous Conflict The First and Oldest GAME in Existence. X versus X, X wins, Start Again… over and over forever in time. & the common man foots the bill!
I know you know nut this whole notion of 'serving' is just nonsense. Esp. as they don't actually serve the taxpayers who ultimately fund them More 'swerving' than 'serving' imho It's just a job for an industry - with a big pension. Not sure we should be subsidising private schools or classifying them as charities and and, if the 'armed forces' really do have a retention problem (unlikely as there's one born every minute), then they should pay the full whack for schooling like everyone else. Apparently they're 'only' £10,000 per round but still...
What part of "Squaddies are parasites sucking the blood of UK Taxpayers while whinging they're not getting enough" do you not understand? Fannying around playing action man and adding ZERO VALUE for taxpayers. What's the value of UK 'armed forces' if they can't even stop 10s of thousands of foreign Orcs invading every week on dinghys?: ZERO VALUE "i caNT do nuFfIn aBOut dinGhies bUt wiLL kiLl aNywUN pOllaTITioNs tELl mE tO" Should get proper jobs or just go on the dole like the rest of the bloodsuckers - at least that'd be a more honest living. No better than Nazi concentration camp guards really - I'm sure you'll be cheering on the 'service men' (aka war pigs) when they blow up up Iran too woncha? https://thinkingcoalition.substack.com/p/here-comes-the-next-forever-war As for going to an MP - I'd rather cut out the middleman. If you can't explain why others should pay for you/them and feel sorry for you/them MAN UP and just admit it.
Squaddies are as Kissinger said: "Dumb animals" - paid muscle for the corporations who fund our politicians. They/You should take a long hard look in the mirror - you're just helping politicains rip off taxpayers for the benefit of the military industrial complex and other corporations. 'Service' my arse Fannying around playing action man and adding ZERO VALUE for taxpayers. What's the value of UK 'armed forces' if they can't even stop 10s of thousands of foreign Orcs invading every week on dinghys?: ZERO VALUE "i caNT do nuFfIn aBOut dinGhies bUt wiLL kiLl aNy fOrinERs pOllaTITioNs tELl mE tO" Should get proper jobs or just go on the dole like the rest of the bloodsuckers - at least that'd be honest.
How is it 'service'? UK armed forces LARP about the world and only get active in illegal unjust wars (e.g Iraq, Libya, Ukraine. As for 'National Defence' your lot can't even stop dinghys from invading the UK! And the taxpayer has to foot the bill for all this nonsense - as well as your inflation proof pensions Should hang your heads in shame rather than moaning & playing the victim The real victims are the UK taxpayers
Rishi Sunak is another WEF / CIA type (no one remembers him from Stadford Uni when he was allegedly doing an MBA. His job was to backstab 2 elected PMs ✅ and Clear the way for the Marxist Staliner ✅ Sunak is a real treacherous POS - just as bad as Starliner https://miriaf.co.uk/i-spy-an-establishment-psyop/