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Everything posted by Chadnik

  1. This post got no love, but you're absolutely correct. Losermove is to stay in your home country, paying high taxes, high prices for goods, crap services With the women nowadays only an idiot would get married to a western woman. Sadly these or days stay married. It's all your money and their (often legal) power. The world has changed and it's not going back. That's for damn sure. Keep your pimp hand strong πŸ‘πŸ‘
  2. I'm done howling at the moon here. It's pretty obvious half of you are not Americans (go fix two tier Kier), the other half are just UBI hopefuls and extrajudicial holdouts. As for being in bed with Russia. That was a Hillary hoax. You know Hillary, failed US Secy State and failed 2x US presidential candidate.
  3. If you say so Champ
  4. Oh dear God. Says the man with a Kamala Harris icon ffs. This is just idiotic trolling. How much of a cuck must you be to have a Kamala Harris icon?
  5. You proven much of my point. Much of the Ukraine was in fact Russia. He's discussing pre modern nation states. Regardless, the US absolutely forced his hand. First all the skullduggery, next the NATO bullsh**, next the military buildup. Once he's committed he's going to take his pound of flesh. EDIT I respect this post. Despite the fact we are way off topic. It's a solid source and you articulated the point
  6. Because the US and EU goaded it into war. They have 1000 + years of history, culture language. You don't know this???!!!
  7. Another low IQ post. For the third time that is not the topic of this thread ffs Search it out. Believe what you want. I know what I believe.
  8. Perhaps. To be truthful, those were links grabbed in haste. All the ballot shenanigans in just the swing States and then Biden wins all ... Sorry, no. Then all the problems with the machines and that skullduggery especially dominion! We live in a time of lies and deceit. One must question everything. I don't trust ANY politician. It's pretty apparent the US is no longer a Democracy. Run by a shared cabal military industrial complex, shadow bankers, AIPAC and Tel Aviv.
  9. It's not booming, but is doing alright. If the war has anything to do with it that's the only positive outcome for Russia and the world. Russia was entirely provoked into the war. The US (Obama Biden family) had been meddling in Ukraine for at least a decade prior. Putin had absolutely no choice and I would have done the same. Ukraine and Russia are kindred. To think these countries wanted war is wholly inaccurate. US biolabs, bank shenanigans.. CIA .. Seymour Hersh, Scott Ritter.
  10. Because you're to inept to use search apparently here are a few. The truth comes out after the fact - when it's too late. Just like COVID, 911 and JFK Note these are leftist websites as well https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fox-dominion-voting-systems-reach-settlement-over-false-election-claims https://www.courthousenews.com/details-of-voting-equipment-breach-emerge-in-dominion-security-trial/ https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/nov/18/facebook-posts/georgia-election-officials-found-more-2600-uncount/
  11. Again, you're totally off topic. Respect the OP ffs Start a thread and ask the question.
  12. GDP is a general number and not inductive of anything but growth. There was huge amounts of money being pumped into Russia After the fall of CCCP. It was hardly Yeltsin's doing and if we want to credit it wouldn't be that drunk but perestroika under Gorbachev. Yeltsin was US puppet and a drunk. While GDP reflects the overall economic health of a nation, GDP per Capita provides a more nuanced perspective by considering the distribution of wealth among the population. https://thisvsthat.io/gdp-vs-gdp-per-capita
  13. Virtually none. You've qualified that A number of states had a bunch of issues and again I'm not going to go into the 2000 election in this thread which is about an entirely different matter I will tell you anecdotally as a California we always saw the election finished even before we could get to the ballot box. It was such an issue that California wanted to change its election date. Nevertheless on that glorious evening we waited not only through the night but days after to get results. There were a number of states of course swing States that were and somehow suspended animation. Mysteriously Biden wins Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona come quickly to mind with Michigan following and Wisconsin thereafter
  14. I really don't know what is up with asking for links on this forum. The people that ask for them never read them and then they just poo poo it You're free to do your own research and at the end of the day you're free to think whatever you want. I believe that entirely with my soul I'm sure you know how to use a search engine. Use it
  15. All the leftists have stopped posting I'm sure they are coordinating a ban on someone..
  16. You're either a liar or completely ignorant This will help Now run away and study up like a good little lad
  17. I'm not religious. You're entirely wrong and I'm certainly not going to debate that in this thread. It's still being litigated and Democratic states and jurisdictions are fighting tooth and yelled to keep dead people, felons and illegal immigrants off the voting rules. Google it and educate yourself
  18. Oh Christ, I articulated why you were wrong and now you come back with some sort of random stupidness about what life is like in rural Russia. Give it a rest I imagine it's about as desperate his life is in downtown Philadelphia, Detroit and half a dozen other American cities. Donachaknowit
  19. Because the lock of freedom and Independence and work ethic has been stripped from the American public. Has lost its ability to innovate and think for themselves. People value the ability to stick their penis in another man's mouth while wearing a dress and collecting a Ubi check more than what is viewed now as some sort of ragged out the dated piece of toilet paper in the US Constitution
  20. A true propagandist. You are aware that it's almost in the top 10 largest economies correct? Russia controls all sorts of oil as well as additional commodities. .. you're daft You are aware of that despite them being forced into a war that life is pretty much normal in large cities such as St Petersburg and Moscow. You have absolutely no idea what your yammering on about
  21. It's not a minority it's a 50% of the United States or more. The election was stolen.
  22. It's hard to argue Russia hasn't done well under Putin. Most of the hate is just from brainwashing in the ride to the Ukraine war and beyond Before that sleepy Western citizens didn't really care much about the nation one way or the other and thought of it much as a backwater Sheep
  23. Now you're working from one sentence to just one word. This is getting weaker by the post. Can you just write SOS in the sand or something?
  24. The proverbial one liner - weak. As you're not American please remove yourself from the thread.
  25. Americans don't think this at all. Certainly 50% No one cares about January 6th and no one ever did. Joke right? The shameless lies and fraud. From your glorious MSM https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/unaired-footage-shows-chaos-anger-of-congressional-leaders-amid-jan-6-evacuation/ar-BB1nUI3d
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