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Posts posted by jbaldwin

  1. You only need a return ticket if you arrive without a visa and obtain a 30 day non-visa stay. Another option is to obtain a tourist visa in Australia (good for 60 days and extendable in Thailand for another 30). A return ticket is not required if you hold a tourist visa.

    By the way, Thai immigration will not ask to see your return ticket when you arrive at Bangkok but the airlines will not let you board if you do not meet immigration rules

  2. I did try to get an investment visa at Pattaya immigration. Had 3 million baht in fixed deposit as required. However, I was told that I could only apply in the last 30 days of my current stay, which in my case was after 4 October. I was also told that I could not apply on a 30 day stamp. The only suggestion they could give was to come after 1 October and see what the new rules were.

  3. Good news.

    They are accepting application till the end of the month. As long as you have a 30 day consideration stamp before Oct 1st and are approved, you will be 'grandfathered in"

    By the way, the logic why they are doing away with the scheme. “It was too easy for mafia influences to get a visa as 3 million Baht was nothing for them.”


    Any idea whether applications will be accepted from people with more than 30 days on their current stay. I am stamped in until 3 November. I understand that you generally cannot apply for an extention until the last 30 days of a stay.

    I spoke to Pattaya Immigration today. They told me that I could not apply for an extention on investment grounds until the last 30 days of my current stay ie not until after 4 October. They also said that they expected that the proposed changes would not be implemented because it was causing problems for too many people. I assume that this was just the normal Thai telling me what I wanted to hear. Immigration could suggest nothing other than waiting till after 1 October and seeing if the change is made

    Sunbelt - if you can do anything to get me an investment visa before 1 October please PM or e-mail me

  4. Good news.

    They are accepting application till the end of the month. As long as you have a 30 day consideration stamp before Oct 1st and are approved, you will be 'grandfathered in"

    By the way, the logic why they are doing away with the scheme. “It was too easy for mafia influences to get a visa as 3 million Baht was nothing for them.”


    Any idea whether applications will be accepted from people with more than 30 days on their current stay. I am stamped in until 3 November. I understand that you generally cannot apply for an extention until the last 30 days of a stay.

  5. I have never understood why people who stay in Thailand a long time use 30 day entry without visa, when other options are available. I am under 50, do not work and do not have a Thai wife. I have lived here for four years. In a year that I go back to be UK a get a one year multi entry non-immigrant visa from Hull. If I do not go to the UK I get a triple entry tourist visa in Penang. There is nothing to suggest that either of these options will disappear. In my view cheaper and much less hassel than monthly "visa" runs

    Actually, the writing is on the wall about serial tourist visas from places like Penang. It is unclear yet whether that will tighten or not, but the new rules are clearly targetting permanant tourists ...

    As far as consistently getting one year multi O's, I get the impression that is easier to get from the UK than other countries. You couldn't exactly guarantee being able to get a new one every year. They ask for a REASON, yes?????

    Yes, the reason I give on the application is "visiting friends in Thailand"

  6. I have a question for Sunbelt.

    You say that the new rules will come in on 1 October. I have 3 million in a fixed deposit and was planning to apply for an investment visa. I last entered Thailand on 6 Aug 2006 on a multi-entry non-immigrant visa so I can stay until 3 Nov. I understand that I cannot apply for an extension on investment grounds until the last 30 days of my current stay. ie not until after 1 Oct.

    My question is if a leave now re-enter on a 30 day stamp, can I convert that to a non-immigrant visa and apply for a one year extention before the rules change. This would at least give me a year to think about options.

  7. I have never understood why people who stay in Thailand a long time use 30 day entry without visa, when other options are available. I am under 50, do not work and do not have a Thai wife. I have lived here for four years. In a year that I go back to be UK a get a one year multi entry non-immigrant visa from Hull. If I do not go to the UK I get a triple entry tourist visa in Penang. There is nothing to suggest that either of these options will disappear. In my view cheaper and much less hassel than monthly "visa" runs

  8. What do you mean by the South. The problems are largely in three provinces: Narathiwat, Yala and Pattani and it might be prudent to avoid these areas. Also remember that unlike other muslim extremist problems, westerners have not been target. The Thai government and government employees (police, teachers, local government employees) have been the targets. As far as I am aware, no westerner has been involved in any of the attacks

  9. Firstly, there is not such thing as a multiple entry tourist visa (one that you can enter and leave an unlimited number of times in a set period).

    Penang is the best place in Asia to get double or triple entry tourist visa. However, if you review past posts you will see that they are not allows reliable in granting them.

    If you do go back to the UK then you should be able to obtain a one year multiple entry non-immigrant visa without difficulty from the consular in Hull (The London embassy will not help). This will allow stays of 90 days at a time

  10. I have a 32 year old Thai girlfriend who is a nurse in Bangkok, never married and no children, who has told me her father would want 200,000 Baht for sinsod if we get married. I understand this to custom to be a reflection of the theory that once we get married, she will be considered to be part of my family instead of hers. But she also says that she will want us to give him money every month after we get married. A good friend of mine married a good friend of hers(the wedding took place in the village where she grew up--eastern Thailand) and paid 60,000 Baht. Her friend is also a nurse, but is a couple of years younger, has more education, and speaks better English. My girlfriend told me that if she were to marry a Thai, her father would still ask for 200,000 Baht. I can't understand how the average Thai man could afford this much for sinsod. They have explained to me that because my girl's father lives in Bangkok instead of village, the sinsod is more. I do not make a lot of money, do not own a house, and will have my hands full supporting a wife and children. I hope that I am not being cheap, but the thought of paying 200,000 Baht, then supporting her father with money every month, seems too much. Please give me some thoughts on this. Thanks

    The amount depends on the lady's social standing. If she has been previously married, has children or has previously working in a bar the appriopriate level is zero.

    The suggested figure would be about right for a masters degree graduate who is still a virgin (or at least who parents might reasonably expect her to still be)

  11. If you do not obtain an extention today you will have overstayed your visa. On the unlikely event that you are stopped by Police during the weekend you could be arested and held in prison until you are able to arrange an air ticket out of Thailand.

    On Monday would not be applying for an extention. Rather you would go to immegration to report your overstay and pay a fine. In these circumstances you will be allowed a few days to leave the country

  12. I am not sure why you think that there is a link between Visas and Tax.

    In fact that position in Thailand is that you are require to file a Thai tax return if you are in the country for more at least 183 day during a tax year (I know most people do not). One of the big differences from many countries is that investment income earned outside Thailand is not subject to Thai tax.

  13. Bangkok Bank on 2nd Road (near Soi 6) will open accounts for anyone who is a member of the Pattaya Ex-pats club. All you need to join is to take a photo and the fee (I think 300 Baht) to a meeting on Sunday morning and they will issue a card immediately

  14. By far the cheapest way, if you have the time, is to fly Air Asia via either KL or Kota Kinabalu to Clark (about 2 hours north of Manila).

    I am in the Philipines now. I paid 3,000 Baht including taxes for Bangkok-Kota Kinabalu-Clark-Kaula Lumpar. This was booking during one of Air Asia's sales.

    You can book on line at Airasia.com

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