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Everything posted by madone

  1. transfer almost weekly and run through the list of options with the exeption of funds for long term stay. Never had an issue.
  2. If you declare it you are foolish
  3. with all due respect, show me where the OP seeks medical advice. All i see is them asking others if they are experiencing similar issues. Which it would seem we are. I see no point in going to a doctor and likely receiving an unnecessary course of antibiotics for something that seems to be a temporary seasonal irritation.
  4. nice stock photo. arent you livin the life
  5. I have had the same thing, mild sinus issues, and late-in-the-day sinus headaches ever since the weather turned <deleted>e.
  6. Are you serious? inadvertently passing on an STD versus maliciously posting compromising pictures online to get revenge by ruining someone's reputation are hardly similar offenses.
  7. this is insane and defeats the entire purpose of an "e" visa also what prevents people from using a VPN? do travelers need to pick up the "e" visa in person?
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