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Everything posted by madone

  1. No, not reading the news article and making crass remarks about the unfortunate and now dead -- that's stupidity. Inferring it was not a tragedy and that they deserved it makes you a turd of the highest order. You are also unbearably smug and entitled to assume that even if they were in the back of the pickup, they had any say in the matter. Safety ranks fairly low on the hierarchy of needs of people with limited opportunities and income -- when someone tells you to get in the truck or miss your chance to work, you get in the truck
  2. Same as weed. Watch them legalize it without any forethought or finding a way to tax it.
  3. Always figured you for a swallower.
  4. describes my experience at a Thai university for a few years when I first arrived in the late late late 90's 15 hrs a week of class time, plus the summer off with pay all for 35k per month all in. I doubled that or more with another 3-5 hours of public lessons each week in the evenings I arranged my classes so I worked three days per week and between us, the foreign teachers signed each other in on days we were off-site. During the summer the lower-level Thai teachers would sign the foreign and senior teachers in so we could travel. Sadly that became problematic in my final year before I joined the corporate world. At the ripe age of 25, it was a brilliant gig while it lasted. As I understand it, English teachers don't get paid all that much more now.
  5. Then find soemwhere else to live ffs.
  6. I have been very close to a coffee vendor and a pair of noodle sellers who used to operate outside my front door until someone recently chased them up the block. They were wonderful neighbors for nearly 15 years, even keeping my driveway swept and helping feed my cat when I traveled. They work incredibly hard. It pains me to think some poorly thought-out arbitrary policy change will cost two families their living.
  7. Thanks for the buring insight. We have been waiting for a poster like you with the vision and expertise to set the record straight and raise the tone of the site. You are here not a moment too soon! you have also come to the right place, it is a topic many here hold near and dear to their hearts.
  8. a sheltered existence indeed.
  9. Its not a bank account. its a fund administered by BlackRock. did you not read the page you linked to?
  10. what more do you need to hear? Its a fund not a deposit account, Like any investment of that sort, that comes with a risk
  11. look at you mansplaining the obvious. what a crock 'o nonsense. Call it what you want, it fails to be funny.
  12. But it isn't funny in the least. There are plenty of oasis parodies that are. liam gallahger is too much of an asshat not to mock, but this is lame as <deleted>
  13. however shall we cope?
  14. Sponsored content need not be generic waffle
  15. The first and most important step to saving money on quality cannabis is to avoid cannabis purchasing advice written by AI
  16. what does your asinine diet have to do with the question the OP asked? Oh, that's right, NOTHING. but lets talk about you.
  17. Of course she did. They should have given her some chocolates and left her alone for 2 hours.
  18. which begs the question why have you appointed yourself gatekeeper of the irrelavent?
  19. I have managed to fit in other activities
  20. Re promiscuity, i suspect the issue is that they just don't show an interest in you.
  21. they are not spending all their time in bars, the rest of the time they are hungover and courting dementia. i can't count the number of old alcoholics I've watched die here over 30 years
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