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Everything posted by madone

  1. this why you should not be explaining nuances of the English language
  2. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30304925
  3. i got bored a minute in. didn't bother with a second leg
  4. sorry, i thought jokes were supposed to amuse more than just the teller
  5. good luck then tiger.
  6. not sure why you would feel the need to ask this.
  7. While darker roasts tend to have less caffeine, the notion that a darker roast is less bitter is utter <deleted>. roasting breaks down sugars and acids in the coffee resulting in a less complex often more bitter flavour
  8. What idiot orders something called dragon balls and asks for them to be less spicy? What idiot thinks each order is spiced from scratch, on-demand rather than prepared ahead of time? also, how many other people have suffered irreversible chemical burns as a result of this dish? Surely permanent damage is something others may have reported as well.
  9. Seems I missed the stall wrecking part.
  10. The topic does seem to resonate with him, doesn't it?
  11. Wow. I'm not a big believer in what I read anywhere, but the fact that someone apparently representing the company has taken the time to call everyone leaving a 1-star report a liar really turns me off.
  12. Are there so few admirable women around that we are reduced primarily to ex-presidents wives and the dead?
  13. I had a Samsung LED TV that lasted nearly 12+ years and I have a Samsung Fridge going on 20 and an AC nearing the same age. all going strong. That said I would not buy a Samsung appliance again. I have had other more recent samsung products <deleted> the bed after a couple of years with easy fixes but no replacement parts in sight
  14. I cant imagine how as an American anyone could look at the options and not be filled with despair. I don't think there is a better example of a population doomed by its own choices. it should never have gotten this far. Same in Canada with Trudeau. Why the <deleted> do people put up with it?
  15. Are we still talking about this? Surely the exodus is over by now, I mean how long can a exodus possibly take?
  16. I went out in drag almost every Halloween from my 20's to my early 40's. Great fun once a year. Women loved it, I always ended up in bed with someone new.
  17. Of course you do, Fred. Well done.
  18. La Scala is the world's premier opera house. Home of the logionisiti. Of course you do, I never suggested otherwise. So the pile grows.
  19. been here far longer than that, and no, I don't "already know " anything of the sort.
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