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Everything posted by madone

  1. sure its venomous, but barely. also rear fanged, so not really a bitey boi
  2. if i did that with every tiresome AN poster, id be online reading messages from about three people.
  3. You make remarks and pretend later when confronted that they were questions or idle speculation, hiding behind semantics. your endless denials and backpedaling are tiresome and disingenuous.
  4. your ignorance boggles the mind. you really are living in your own world
  5. evil people, noty just evil thais.
  6. Verbose and convoluted response aside, what do you reckon your chances of getting mobile banking set up are if you don't go and inquire in person. so I repeat: why not venture by your "local" bank and ask them? Why not call the helpline/head office and ask them what the issue is? Excuses and potestations that this is Thailand serve no purpose. You can only fix this by being proactive, it won't resolve itself while you sit at home.
  7. this would indicate dfferent. they said 2 weeks, if nothing has happened go back in and sit down and wait until you get the desired result. don't be rude, but don't be put off either. that said mine took minutes as well.
  8. Wiki is a communal information source any one can edit, often to misinform or promote bias. Similarly, Chat GPT is trained using any number of sources. You quote it like it is a source of truth when there is a disclaimer at the bottom of every page explaining that it makes mistakes. It conflates disparate information and flat out lies as for this remark: what the absolut <deleted> are you talking about. I support no one. What offends me is fools bandying about the words left and right like they weren't a tiny blip on a wide spectrum. The divisive nonsense you are all full of makes me sick. Jew york, indeed. You stay classy
  9. well, now i know you are a fool, like folks back in the day that used to quote wiki like it was gospel,
  10. i realize this suggestion my seem very revolutionary and come out of left field, but why not venture by your "local" bank and ask them in person?
  11. are you morons 4 years old? what a pair of matching asshats
  12. no. i will leave that honor to somebody who gives a <deleted>. i already regret commenting in this cesspit of pointless partisan bias. you are all unbearable -- each side of the argument is as intolerable as the other.
  13. Nobody would have taken the trouble to count his lies if they weren't so frequent or blatant.
  14. the problem is Harris never was a viable option, that is how Trump got in. As has been said before, it is not that he won, rather the Democrats lost, That said, i doubt Harris would have spent her first months in office alienating allies and disrupting trade.
  15. Edit to add: who is dredging this crap up from 2019? it seems to have eluded dan that the majority of folk who would not "date" a bar girl also do not frequent his facebook. I know very few people who post or interact on facebook these days.
  16. indeed, 25 years under the radar without any altercations, offenses, or making any enemies. What a cad.
  17. Its pretty difficult not to get the impression that the media has an agenda here, highlighting the poor behaviour of a few outliers to stir up anti-foreign sentiment. In the last week in Bangkok on my daily bike rides i have seen 2 very obviously high or mentally disturbed this, one male shaking his junk at passers-by, and one stopping to take <deleted> in the muddle of the sidewalk, the difference seems to be the locals are ignored while other create "frustration"
  18. Gatekeeping sizzler. Go you.
  19. i cant imagine that someone who reports comments on a forum like this is someone i would have any fondness or respect for in real life
  20. As a Canadian, this is utterly stupid. Why would they reelect the party that has driven the country into the ground? Sure Trudeau was the figurehead, but he did not even in a vacuum. its like throwing away the rubber duck, but keeping the dirty bathwater.
  21. Dollars to donuts, he topped up on cash with her watching before he took her home.
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