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Everything posted by madone

  1. I'd say the fact that you are taking the statement "whored themselves into partnerships" and turning it on its side to fit your agenda says plenty about you and your willingness to virtue signal while twisting meaning beyond all recognition. Danielle Sassoon was not directly mentioned nor has anyone but you associated her with the word whore. nice try though.
  2. because AN is the last bastion of that generation of jobsworths and do-gooders who believe in paying tax for services they don't receive.
  3. Funny I was just reading the exact same thing in a thread about Trump. what are the chances, do ya reckon?
  4. interesting. I can't speak to quality but good gak can cost 3-5k in BKK. I would venture what Mr jon was unloading wasn't all that great. 3.500 is a pretty common average. 4k is not uncommon on the islands.
  5. the word is flout, flaunt means to show off. We won't discuss "these people" or mention that they can only operate with the tacit agreement of the authorities.
  6. zero ink here boss. though my last 2 partners had tats and it would be easier to count which of my friends, like me don't have ink. I don't wear a beard, jewelry, or even hats unless it's bloody cold -- just not my thing. on others though? why not?
  7. It is threads like this that truly expose AN as god's waiting room. A forum full of geriatrics discussing the world as if their opinions were in any way relevant to those that come after them. at least for a change you arent on about COVID or Trump
  8. the fad is over indeed. No longer a fad, tattoos are a common form of self-expression that are no longer stigmatized when worn in moderation.
  9. i have access to neither
  10. Reading through this thread, it becomes abundantly clear that COVID killed the wrong people.
  11. back when alcohol was a shared hobby between myself and a rather large group of friends, we would just hop in a taxi and see where they took us, some of the best, albeit blurriest days ever
  12. it seems you struggle with the meaning of the word "or" Nor did I say anything about beer bars. here is what I did say before you gave me some nonsense about hotel bars and clubs for "discerning Asians": I don't know where you live but beer bars are not the sole option in Bangkok, in fact there seem to be less every day.
  13. what a stupid remark, sensible people don't drink at all. and what about those non-sensible folks that don't drink at home, but enjoy the social aspect of going out for a cocktail or having a beer while people watching? even at the height of my drinking, I rarely opened a drink if I was home alone. the alcohol was never the point of the exercise.
  14. imagine trying to score points online by virtue signaling that you don't drink.
  15. this is becoming too common. places advertise drink prices but neglect to mention lady drinks cost double or even triple and it applies to everything in the bar. there is no just buying a girl a drink anymore. go into a place order a couple 100 baht Heineken, and another for a woman, and get a bill for 1000 baht. places I used to stop in for a quick drink in Bangkok are now no go zones because the bills skyrocket so fast it is impossible not to blow through few thousand baht an hour and leave sober
  16. interesting how the story neglects to mention that it is an opioid
  17. there was a small community of British boiler room boys in the Philippines around 10 years ago addicted to Tramadol.
  18. interesting remark. really says everything about you I need to know. love to hear you rationalize that out.
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