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Everything posted by madone

  1. The Thai authorities stun and amaze me when they make nonsensical statements like this. who in their right mind uses this kind of language when discussing tourism? As for this reputation they are so eager to protect, what the absolute <deleted>? the only redeeming factor is nobody is actually listening.
  2. Indeed I can. unlike you, it seems I also have the ability to write it.
  3. That's me and over half the Canadians of my generation gone.
  4. none of this is new, the only thing new is the attention it receives nationally because there is always some <deleted> around with a camera pandering to the masses on social media for likes. Racism aside, Israelis, Germans, Russians, Brits and many others have all have had their day in the sun as Thailand's most hated international flavour.
  5. i can't edit the number, and I need to go to AIS to get proof the number is mine. I simply haven't bothered. As for creating a new account, it hadn't occurred to me because -- guess what? -- i already have an account.
  6. Shopee froze my account of nearly 10 years saying i need to prove i own my phone number even though it has been unchanged since i signed up, since then I have been limited to Lazada, which i prefer, but seems to have fewer options of late. Im finding all sorts of stuff I want on lazada is only available on shopee.
  7. then how about suggesting something ffs?
  8. nothing you have said here has anything thing to do with the OP about opening bank accounts. nothing
  9. what pretty but meaningless noises you make
  10. ah, you are above the discussion and decided to let us know it.
  11. do you really lack the imagination to appreciate why someone would embark upon a trip like this? All you sad <deleted> on your sofas, racking up posts by the thousands and bickering about Trum and covid (still) while these folks do something remarkable.
  12. In my experience you are correct. except for their imported stuff, produce -- fruit prices are criminal-- and fresh meat (chicken, pork, beef, and seafood) products there is plenty of stuff at Villa that is the same price or cheaper than anywhere else. You just need to know what specifically you are there for. Then there are the things you can only get at Villa. I try to avoid Villa altogether, but i always need to supplement the bi-weekly shopping
  13. What are you trying to tell us? That you can't think for yourself? Either way, weird flex.
  14. I admire your confidence in the intellect of the American public. Sadly I see no evidence to support such optimism.
  15. personally, I think you should just own it but, I understand how important it is for you to believe. anyways, cheers, like is to short to engage at length with hypocrites
  16. no you make no allusions at all to your own superiority.
  17. Say what you will. vs it is you and only you who brings her name into it and applies the term to her. I disagree with pretty much everything Yagoda says, but I don't feel the need to fabricate offenses or twist meaning. Whored in this context implies a mercenary, to the highest bidder for personal gain ethos, it is you alone who brings gender and alternative meaning into the conversation.
  18. FFS let it go. As if the "mother" doesn't have enough problems. more important to look into why they didn't go through official channels and how the healthcare system let the woman down
  19. just listen to you.
  20. Actually, it is not clear at all. while I believe Yagoda is a waste of skin and bandwidth, they called you out for your duplicity.
  21. What an utter crock of <deleted>, blaming safety concerns on feminine insecurity.
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